The CDC offers two scholarship schemes to support graduate studies, in a developing country, leading to an Master or PhD degree in the mathematical sciences.
Graduate Research Assistantships in Developing Countries (GRAID) Program
The IMU-Simons Research Fellowship Program for Developing Countries (2024-2027) supports mathematicians from developing countries to travel to a mathematical institution for collaborative research for up to three months. The research visit has to be tied to a specific research project and a collaborating institute.
120+ global colleagues joined our webinar on Nov 30 and Dec 7 to learn about the latest in CDC grant programs and our new application platform.
Missed it? Watch the recording below to catch up!
In an informative webinar held on November 30 and December 7, the CDC provided a comprehensive overview of its current grant programs and introduced the audience to its latest grant application platform. The virtual event drew a global participation with over 120 colleagues joining from diverse corners of the world.
BGF grants are funded by the generous donations from Breakthrough Prize winners. The award of full PhD grants goes to three students from developing countries engaged in a PhD degree in the mathematical sciences in a developing country. The 2023 recipients are as follows (listed in alphabetical order):