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CWM is the committee of the IMU concerned with issues related to women in mathematics worldwide. Its objectives are:

To propose, encourage and facilitate activities of the IMU or other bodies which would tend to increase the visibility of women in mathematics and lead to an increase in their representation in the community at all levels and in all parts of the world.

To promote international contacts between national and regional organisations for women in mathematics, in particular facilitating the building of networks at the regional or continental level.

To provide a website which is a repository of information for and about women in mathematics worldwide and to enable efficient communication among the international community of women mathematicians.

News and Events


Members of the CWM are appointed for four years by the IMU Executive Committee and are widely distributed internationally. The CWM has a chair and vice--chair and 6 to 8 members--at--large. One of the CWM members is responsible for the CWM website and electronic communication. See list of members here.

Slider CWM NL12  

CWM Newsletter, Issue 12, December 2024 can be found here. Subscribe to CWM Newsletter here.

Interview with CWM member Catherine Greenhill, from Australia; CWM Call for 2025 is open; Other News and Announcements: Awards and reports of some of the CWM funded activities; Article "Inception of Asian-Oceanian Women in Mathematics (AOWM) and Its Progress in Last One and Half Years" by Sanoli Gun and Kyewon Koh Park


The Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES) was established by 9 International Unions, including IMU and has already 21 partners. Third annual report (2022-2023) available here. The purpose of SGES is to circulate information among its partners, and promote cooperation on among them, in particular by supporting women and girls’ equal access to science education and fostering equal opportunity and treatment for females in their careers.


The CWM 2024 call for Networks, Workshops and other Initiatives closed on January 05, 2024, receiving a total of 39 applications of which CWM will support 10. More information here.



The second (WM)^2 was held virtually on July 1-2 2022, as a special satellite event of the ICM 2022. An Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya celebration where Ladyzhenskaya Prize in Mathematical Physics (OAL Prize)  was awarded for the first time, took place on July 2, in a joint session of  (WM)² 2022 and the Probability and Mathematical Physics ICM satellite event.


The  Gender Gap in Science Book can be found here. It can also be ordered as a printed book through many retailers worldwide. For example on Book Repository

A booklet in several languages summarizing the results of the project and presenting its recommendations can be found here.



Remember Maryam Mirzakhani is an exhibition with 18 original poster. Institutions interested in hosting the exhibition can consult the rules of use and contact CWM at The exhibition opened at (WM)², the World Meeting for Women in Mathematics, and remained open during ICM 2018. It contained also a book of condolences, and volumes with Maryam Mirzakhani's mathematical papers as well as a book with papers about her. Curator: Thais Jordao. Designer: Rafael Meireles Barroso.


CWM is using its sponsorship to help establish and foster networks of women mathematicians especially in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Asia.  See here. From 2015 to 2022, CWM sponsored events took place in Colombia, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Senegal, Tunisia, Kenya, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Iran, Japan, Morocco, Nepal, South Africa, Vietnam, Austria, El Salvador, Ethiopia,  Italy (ICTP), Macedonia, Nigeria, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Cameroon, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Russia, Turkey, Congo, Pakistan, Gabon, Ghana, Oman.


CWM random collection of  photos of women mathematicians. Just to make you realise  how many women in mathematics there are, who have overcome the multitude of obstacles placed in their paths.

CWM Initiatives

CWM News

Suggestions for CWM News items can be sent to
CWM News Archives can be found here.

CWM annual call

The CWM 2024 call for Networks, Workshops and other Initiatives closed on January 05, 2024, receiving a total of 39 applications from many different countries. The selection of initiatives to be supported by CWM will be published by February 16, 2024.

Reports on previous CWM annual calls can be found here.

WM2 2022

The second (WM)^2 was held virtually on July 1-2 2022, as a special satellite event of the ICM 2022. An Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya celebration,  where Ladyzhenskaya Prize in Mathematical Physics (OAL Prize) will be awarded for the first time, takes place on July 2, in a joint session of  (WM)² 2022 and the Probability and Mathematical Physics ICM satellite event.

Image Test

CWM Newsletter is published twice a year, starting from May 2019.

Subscription to CWM Newsletter here.

CWM Newsletter 12 can be found here.


The Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science was established by 9 International Unions, including IMU. Its purpose is to circulate information among its partners, and promote cooperation on initiatives between them.

The Gender Gap Project

The final report of  the 2017-2019 project "A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical and Natural Sciences: How to Measure It, How to Reduce It ?" lead by CWM and funded by the International Council for Science (ICSU) can be found here.


CWM has established about 140 special correspondents worldwide, each of whom has the job of disseminating information received from  CWM, and also of keeping CWM informed about activities or initiatives to be announced on this website. See their list here

CWM Poster

CWM printers and flyers are available.  The flyer is two sided and is designed to be folded along vertical lines into three.

CWM Organizations by country

Organizations for Women in Mathematics are listed in alphabetical order by country here. There are also trans-continental organizations for Africa (AWMA) and Europe (EWM). The USA based AWM has many international members.

List of events

There are many mathematical events held each year organised by and specifically aimed at women mathematicians. Here is a sample, listed with the most recent first. Please contact us with details of any  relevant events, past or future, that you would like to suggest we add.

CWM Gallery

CWM random collection of  photos of women mathematicians. Just to make you realise of how many women in mathematics there are, who have overcome the multitude of obstacles placed in their paths.


CWM cooperates with the Organisation for Women in Science in the Developing World (OWSD). OWSD is one of the 11 partners of the Gender Gap in Science project.

News, grants and activities

CDC logo

The EMS's CDC is offering female african women mathematicians small top ups to EMS-Simons Foundation grants for collaborative research visits, see here. Other IMU CDC grants which may be of interest can be found here.

“…is it really possible not to stretch out one’s hand, is it possible to refuse to help someone who is seeking knowledge and cannot help herself reach its source? After all, on woman’s road, when a woman wants to take a path other than the well-trodden one leading to marriage, so many difficulties pile up. I myself encountered many of these. Therefore I consider it my duty to destroy whatever obstacles I can in the paths of others. ”

Sofia Kovalevskaia (1850-1891)