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Remember Maryam Mirzakhani

Remember Maryam Mirzakhani (RMM) is an exhibition with 18 original posters. Institutions interested in hosting the exhibition can consult the rules of use and contact CWM at The exhibition opened at the (WM)², the World Meeting for Women in Mathematics, and remained open during ICM 2018. It contained also a book of condolences, and volumes with Maryam Mirzakhani's mathematical papers as well as a book with papers about her. Curator: Thais Jordao. Designer: Rafael Meireles Barroso. A poster and flyer describing the exhibition are available in english.


For 2025 CWM has an agreement with the following institutions to host Remember Maryam Mirzakhani

  • Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from February 2025 to February 2026. More information here.


For 2024 CWM has an agreement with the following institutions to host Remember Maryam Mirzakhani

  • The 14th AIMS Conference, which is being hosted by New York University Abu Dhabi from December 16-20, 2024, at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC).
  • Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile, from 13th to 31st of May 2024. In particular, from May 13th to 16th in the entrance hall of the Aula Magna and from May 20th to 31st at the entrance of the main library. 
  • As part of the activities of a project called "Actividades para el día internacional de las mujeres en matemáticas" (Activities for the international day of Women in Mathematics).
  • "Mathematics Day Istanbul", which will take place on March 14, 2024 at Istanbul Kültür University Ataköy Campus in Türkiye.


For 2023 CWM has an agreement with the following institutions to host Remember Maryam Mirzakhani

  • Centre International de Recherches Mathématique, Marseille, France (CIRM), starting on November 8, to mark the 10th anniversary of the Jean Morlet Chair. The Remember Maryam Mirzakhani exhibition will be showcased permanently. Moreover CIRM created two associated exhibitions « Mathematical Worlds of Maryam MIRZAKHANI"  under the scientific direction of Anton Zorich and « Space of Shapes »  under the scientific direction of Jayadev Athreya. The 36 posters of the three exhibitions can be seen outside CIRM, on the footbridge, in the library and in the Café des calanques. See pictures here.
  • Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (IMPA), starting on on March 14th, on the 3rd floor, at IMPA main building. The Remember Maryam Mirzakhani exhibition will be open for one year (until March, 2024).


In 2022, CWM approved the following institutions to host Remember Maryam Mirzakhani Exhibition

  • The Maryam’s Museum,  to host the Remember Maryam Mirzakhani Exhibition permanently. Maryam Mirzakhani’s family and the Foundation of Maryam Mirzakhani – a charity organization supporting talented girls continuing their study, have prepared a place in her mother’s hometown named Taleghan for a museum named Maryam’s Museum. The Museum is intended to show some of Maryam’s belongings,
  • Live exhibition at "V Simpósio Nacional da Formação do Professor de Matemática - ANPMat" at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil from 4  November to 6 November, and at campus Canoas of the Federal Institut of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) for the event XI Feira das Cidades e V Festival Literário do IFRS Canoas from 21 November to 25 November.
  • The Mathematics University of the Univeristy of Rosaro, Argentina's virtual event on May 12, with the exhibition, the screening of the film Secrets of the Surface and a roundtable,
  • The "Tutam Tutam Mathematics" festival May 14-15, aimed at increaing interest in mathematics and bring mathematics lovers together at Galatasaray University. More than two thousand high school and university students attebded the festival.

In 2021 and 2022,  CWM had an agreement with the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS), at Queensland University of Technology (QUT)  displaye  the exhibition at "The Cube" in Brisbane , using the multiple high resolution screens offered by The Cube. On May 12 2021, the exhibition was opened for the general public to view throughout the day. It was promoted using the official ACEMS and Centre for Data Science (CDS) twitter accounts. This event has the support of CDS who  run a parallel Wikipedia edit-a-thon to promote women in mathematics from within The Cube. The exhibition will be reused for a summer school being hosted at QUT for Yr 12 students. The exhibit will be displayed at lunchtime Tuesday 12th April 2022, 12:30pm-3pm and Wednesday 13th April  2020, 12:30-5pm. 


In 2021 and 2022,  CWM had an agreement with the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS), at Queensland University of Technology (QUT)  displaye  the exhibition at "The Cube" in Brisbane , using the multiple high resolution screens offered by The Cube. On May 12 2021, the exhibition was opened for the general public to view throughout the day. It was promoted using the official ACEMS and Centre for Data Science (CDS) twitter accounts. This event has the support of CDS who  run a parallel Wikipedia edit-a-thon to promote women in mathematics from within The Cube. The exhibition will be reused for a summer school being hosted at QUT for Yr 12 students. The exhibit will be displayed at lunchtime Tuesday 12th April 2022, 12:30pm-3pm and Wednesday 13th April  2020, 12:30-5pm. 


In 2020, CWM has an agreement with the following institutions:

  • Virtual Heidelberg Laureate Forum from 21 to 25 septembre, with a virtual reality approach to the exhibition, a panel discussion Theorems and Initiatives inspired by Maryam Mirzakhani, and the projection of the film Secrets of the Surface.
  • Dipartimento di Matematica 'Levi-Civita' Padova, Italy, 10- 25 May 2020
  • Arizona State University, Celebrating Women in Mathematics and Statistics event March 26-27, 2020 (canceled due to Covid)
  • Maison Internationale de Rennes, France, from 10 to 17 march, with a roundtable about women in mathematics on March 11 from 18 H to 19  30 at MIR – 7 quai Châteaubriand - Rennes .
  • Department of Mathematics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. 6-13 March 2020. The posters will be introduced by Prof Sara Maloni (Virginia), whose presentation will be the first annual Distinguished Women in Mathematics Colloquium at the University of Ottawa.
  • Federal Paraná University (Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil), starting February 11th to celebrate the International Women and Girls in Science Day, in the framework of the "Meninas na Matemática: Procuram-se Arletes" project. Form 11th February to 15 March (finished earlier that initially planned because of Covid).
  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona, Spain, 10th February till 24th April 2020. Several activities will be orgganized around this exhibition, taking advantage of the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February), the International Women’s Day (8 March) and the International Day of Mathematics (14 March).
  • Joint Mathematics Meeting in Denver, USA, January 15-18, 2020, organized by The National Academy of Sciences’ U.S. National Committee for Mathematics.


In 2019, CWM has an agreement with the following institutions:

  • Canadian Mathematics Society's Winter Meeting hosted by York University, held from December 6 to 9, 2019 at the Chelsea Hotel in Toronto.
  • Fields Day @ Queen's, Canada, on November 19, 2019.
  • INMOST, a science museum affiliated with the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in Iran, opened in 2010 and working to for developing scientific and technological literacy. INMOST will run a permanent exhibition on the scientific achievements of Maryam Mirzakhani at the beginning of September 2019 for about 5 years, including  the exhibition "Remember Maryam Mirzakhani".
  • University of Rennes, France, at Diapason from 14 to 25 October as part of the annual "Festival des Sciences" and at the University Library on Beaulieu Campus from 18 November to 15 December. On October 15 the amphitheater Maryam Mirzakhani wias inaugurated  with two mathematical talks from Elise Goujard and Olga Romaskevich.
  • At the II Festival da Matemática (II Mathematics Festival) in Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, in Brasil, from August 7 th to 10th 2019, together with an exhibition entitled "Mulheres na Matemática" (“Women in Mathematics”), organized by Adriana Neumann and Cydara Cavedon Ripoll, professors at UFRGS and members of the Comissão de Gênero da SBM/SBMAC (SBM/ SBMAC Gender Commission). This exhibition will be composed by a collection of many pictures about women in mathematics (including past and present mathematicians, and gold medalist female students in the Brazilian Mathematics Olympics for Public Schools and some data on female participation in mathematics.  It was also displayed at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Brazil, from 30 September to 4 October 2019, at the event to celebrate the 60th birthday of Mathematics and Statistics Institut of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, from 14 to 17 October 2019 ad at the event "IV Simpósio Nacional da Formação do Professor de Matemática - ANPMat" at Vitória ES, Brazil from 22 to 24 November 2019.
  • The Stanford Mathematics Department, USA, where Maryam Mirzakhani held a professor position, May 13 to end of august. The exhibition is taking place on May 13-May 24, 2019, in connection with an event and reception planned for the afternoon of Monday, May 13 celebrating Maryam Mirzakhani's birthday (May 12), and announcing the recipient of the inaugural Maryam Mirzakhani graduate student fellowship at Stanford. It is extended till August 2019.
  • MSRI, Berkeley, USA, May 12 to end of august. The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute is organizing a Celebration of Women in Mathematics on May 13, as part of the May 12th international initiative. The event aims to gather in community women mathematicians in the Bay Area, and will include a lecture about Maryam Mirzakhani's work, a preview of the film about her life, which is being created by MSRI, group discussions on topics of common interest, and time to connect with each other in celebration. The “Remember Maryam Mirzakhani” photographic exhibition will be displayed during the event and  will continue to be displayed through August 2019, as MSRI hosts a series of Summer Graduate Schools, a National Science Foundation-supported Research Experience for Undergraduates (MSRI-UP), and the Summer Research for Women in Mathematics (SWiM) program. The visitors for these programs will also be able to view the photo exhibition, as well as members of the general public and the researchers participating in the scientific programs.
  • The Fields Institute, Canada, May 10-17, 2019, as the Fields institute s hosting a special Celebration of Women in Mathematics on May 13.
  • Nesin Mathematical College, Turkey. The exhibition will start during the Antalya Algebra Days Conference at the Mathematics Village (15-19 May 2019)  and continue during the Turkish Mathematics Society Undergraduate and Graduate Summer School. (15 July- 29 september)
  • Istanbul Mathematics Festival, Turkey, on 4-5 May 2019  on Galatasaray University Ortaköy campus. The festival is a city wide celebration of mathematics event which aims to promote the public awareness, open to the public and free of charge.
  • University of L'Aquila & Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila,Italy, May 9 to May 23.
  • Lund University, Sweden around May 12
  • University of Sao Paolo, Brasil, May 1 to May 31.
  • The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), USA. The exhibition will take place during the AWM Research Symposium held on April 6-7, 2019 at Rice University in Houston Texas.


In 2018, CWM had an agreement with the following institutions:

  • The III Brazilian Congress of Young Research in Pure and Applied Mathematics and Statistics (III CBJME) taking place in Curitiba, Brazil, from 12th to 14nd December 2018.
    • Dates and Locations:
      • 11/12 to 11/23 Technological Federal University of Paraná (UTFPR)
      • 11/26 to 12/07 Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) - campus Politécnico
      • 12/12 to 12/14 Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) - campus Botânico
  • The Fields Institute during the Fields Medal Symposium 2018 which honours Maryam Mirzakhani and the current and future impact of her work. The exhibition will take place from 5 to 9 November at the Fields Institute and on 5 November at the MaRS Discovery Center during the Symposium Public Opening.