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Continental and International

The Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM) of the International Mathematical Union is the only global organisation for Women in Mathematics. The CWM was created by the Executive Committee of the IMU in March 2015. Its purpose is to promote worldwide contacts between national and regional organisations for women in mathematics and to undertake other related activities.

In addition there are several regional or continental organisations supporting women mathematicians.


African Mathematical Union Commission on Women in Maths in Africa (AMUCWMA)

AMUCWMA was founded in 1986 to promote and encourage female mathematicians in the African continent.
African Women in Mathematics (AWMA)

AWMA was created at the African Institute for Mathematics Sciences (AIMS)  in Cape Town, South Africa on July 19th 2013. Its first General Meeting was held in Kenya in July 2015. The creation of AWMA was a wish expressed by African women mathematicians at a workshop organized by the Committee “Women in math” of the African Mathematical Union and CIMPA in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, in 2012.

There are also recently formed organizations in a number of individual African countries.


Association for Women in Mathematics (AMW)

AMW is the largest and oldest of the organizations for women mathematicians. Based in the USA, it has many international members. Its website contains a wealth of further resources. You can read about the beginnings of AWM here and see more about AWM and its history in the 1990s here.

Commission on Gender ad Diversity  (CGD-Umalca)

UMALCA (Unión Matemática de América Latina y el Caribe) recently launched its Commission on Gender and Diversity (Comisión de Género y Diversidad de Umalca, CGD-Umalca.

GD-Umalca was created to promote equity and respect in Umalca related events and activities. In particular, one of its  missions is to seek the appropriate mechanisms for the resolution of complaints in accordance with the guidelines of the “Protocol for the attention of situations of violence and gender discrimination or by sexual orientation, identity and gender expression to be applied in all Umalca events ”, created by Umalca in 2017. The members of the commission are committed to these objectives, understanding that their main action must be preventive and educational.

See more information here. Face book page here.

Asia and Oceania

Asia-Oceania Women in Mathematics (AOWM)

Asia-Oceania Women in Mathematics, the continental organization for women in mathematics in Asia and Oceania was launched on August 1 2022.
The inaugural workshop of AOWM took place in hybrid mode from 24 to 28 April 2023, conducted at ICTS, India.The AOWM Workshop is planned to be a biennial event.
For more information read the article in the CWM Newsletter, Issue 12, Dec. 2024, p.13-18.

AOWM website, contact by email.

Active organizations in various Asian and Oceanian countries can be found here.

  Second AOWM workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, in December 2024.

  Photo courtesy Sanoli Gun


European Women in Mathematics (EWM)

This is an international association of women working in the field of mathematics in Europe. EWM has an e-mail network and holds a general meeting and a summer school every other year. A newsletter is published at least twice a year. Here is a map showing national EWM representatives. Click on a location to find the country you seek. A promo video about EWM was made during the meeting in Novi Sad in 2009.  Women and Mathematics across Cultures is an earlier video about EWM made in 1996.  You can find a history of how EWM came to be started here.

European Mathematical Society Women in Mathematics Committee

This is a committee of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). Its remit is to provide advice to the EMS and EWM on scientific questions involving women and mathematics, especially recommending speakers for events aimed at emphasizing women’s scientific contributions.

EMS/EWM Scientific Committee

This committee was set up jointly by EWM and EMS. Its remit is to provide advice to the EMS and EWM on scientific questions involving women and mathematics, especially recommending speakers for events aimed at emphasizing women’s scientific contributions.
The interrelations between the various European groups are explained in the article  European Level Organizations for Women Mathematicians  (P 11, EMS Newsletter Dec. 2013) by Caroline Series. 

Other organizations

In recent years, a number of other organizations have also been founded.

The International Organization of Women and Mathematics Education is a subgroup of ICMI, the IMU's commission on Mathematical Instriuction. IOWME is an international network of individuals and groups who share a commitment to achieving equity in education and who are interested in the links between gender and the teaching and learning of mathematics.

The International Statistical Institute has an active Committee on Women in Statistics.