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Events, Workshops, Conferences

There are many mathematical events held each year organised by and specifically aimed at women mathematicians. Here is a sample, listed with the most recent first. For events supported by CWM please look also in the CWM News.
Click on a year to see that year’s events. Please contact us with details of any  relevant events, past or future, that you would like to suggest we add.


  • Numbers and Narratives: A Feminist Genealogy of Automathographies. A Research Symposium on women in mathematics will take place in London at the Senate House Library in May 2025. This is a call for papers for researchers and graduate students, who are interested in unravelling entanglements between gender, science and culture, excavating the history of women mathematicians, scientists and philosophers, but also, re-imagining the future of gender and science education in general and women in mathematics in particular.
    Deadeline for the call for papers by June 30, 2024.


  • 11th SCGES webinar: Women in Geography – Paths and Perspectives from Around the World, organized by the International Geographical Union. Often seen as a bridge between natural and social sciences, geography was institutionalized only in the mid to late 1800s, and its history is intertwined with imperialism, dominance of gender and other hierarchies. Recent efforts have been made to uncover the roles of women as practitioners and subjects in various geographical contexts. Our speakers are prominent women geographers engaged with the questions about the participation of women in geography, the barriers faced and the ways forward, in their country contexts and in international networks of women in geography. The event will be held online on October 2nd, 2024. Registration form here. IMU is a founding member of SCGES, the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science.

  • ISAAC-ICMAM Women in Mathematics Conference 2024 (virtual event), November 27th-29th, 2024. An international conference dedicated to visualizing, promoting, and highlighting the contributions of women in mathematics. The main objective of this conference is to allow the interaction of the Latin mathematical community with admirable female mathematicians around the world. Please note that during the event there will also be a poster session where EVERYONE is encouraged to participate.

  • Conference  ‘‘On the Trails of Mathematics: Cecylia Krieger-Dunaj and Her successors’’,  November 8–11, 2024, Będlewo k. Poznania, Poland.
    This conferences is dedicated to outstanding personalities from the world of science; Cecylia Krieger-Dunaj and Her succesors - Izabella Laba and Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann. All three are among the top scientists in the world in their fields of research, honoured with numerous awards by international scientific organizations.
    These women, through their achievements and outstanding contributions to the development of world science, can serve as so-called "Role Models" for all young scientists – not only for women, but also for men.

  • International Women in Mathematics Day Celebration: held by the Nigerian Women in Mathematics (NWM) on May 8, 2024. This event was a tribute to the pioneer Nigerian Female Professors of Mathematics, featuring an award of Professional Excellence and panel discussion. Each awardee shared their past experience before they attained their current positions, providing encouragement and inspiration for the younger generation. For more details about the event watch the video.

  • Annual Conference of Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM): The Annual Conference of IWM during July 11-13, 2024, aims to bring together women students, college and university teachers and researchers working at the frontiers of mathematics to exchange mathematical ideas and share their experiences. A major goal of this event is to enable junior women mathematicians to interact with their senior colleagues, both individually and in small groups. Participation is not restricted to women only. Advanced mathematics Ph.D. students, early-career researchers are particularly encouraged to apply. Prospective participants from SAARC nations are welcome to apply. The application for participation in the conference will be open till the midnight of May 03, 2024.
    The activities of IWM are funded by the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India and are supported by the Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM), International Mathematical Union (IMU).

    Workshop "Diversity in Finite Fields and Coding Theory": The workshop "Diversity in Finite Fields and Coding Theory" will take place on July 07 - 12, 2024, at IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It will bring together women and underrepresented minorities in mathematics to carry out joint research on Finite Fields and Coding Theory. The workshop can accept only a limited number of participants in order to ensure a productive experience in the research groups. Therefore, there will be a selection process for participants. The target audience is composed of PhD students, postdocs and researchers from underrepresented groups. Applications are now open until January 15, 2024. More information can be found here.
  • Women in Formal Mathematics 2024 is a 2-day workshop, associated with the Hausdorff Institute of Mathematics. This workshop aims to spotlight the  contributions made by women in the realm of proofs and automated deduction. Our mission is to elevate the research conducted by women, fostering increased visibility and representation in the community. Key objectives include:
    - Providing a platform for women researchers to showcase their work and achievements
    - Cultivating a sense of community and belonging, especially among early-career faculty, post-docs, and students, through positive interactions with peers and  faculty
     - Facilitating the formation of new connections and collaborations.
     - Nurturing a welcoming culture of mutual support and growth within the research community.
    Workshop date: July 6-7, 2024

  • May 12 initiative - 6th edition in 2024: The May 12 initiative group is launching the May 12 2024 campaign. The May12 initiative brings together local or virtual events celebrating women in mathematics which take place in the period 1 May to 15 June. The main focus are initiatives coming from within academia. One special idea in 2024: Courtesy of Les films d’ici, are offered the two 11 minutes-length animated documentaries "Alicia Boole in the land of polytopes /Alicia Boole au pays des polytopes »  and « Kovaleskaya' Spinning Top/La toupie de Kovaleskaya », to be screened between 1st and 20th of May.

  • Junior Female Researchers in Probability: The workshop ( April 13, 2024) offers junior female researchers in stochastics a platform to present their research and network in an informal setting.

  • Global Women’s Breakfast: Webinar on Popularizing science without gender bias. This hybrid event (online and in-person) is the 10th SCGES webinar and is the participation of the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science to the Global Women’s Breakfast on February 27th, 2024, at Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), Paris.The presentations concentrate on two specific challenges: How to contribute popularising mathematics in a museum among the youth of all origins and gender? How to write an astronomy book for men and women and why is it important?


  • Women of Nepal in Mathematical Sciences (WoNiMS) Annual Conference 2023: This annual conference aims to bring together women mathematicians, women students, college and university teachers, and novice researchers working at the frontiers of mathematics to interact and exchange mathematical ideas and share their experiences with their colleagues, both in groups or individually. It also aims to promote scientific communication in mathematics through Keynote speeches, plenary talks, invited talks, contributory talks, and panel discussions on issues for women in mathematics in Nepal. 
    This project submitted to the CWM Call 2023 has been selected for funding by CWM.
  • Women in Sage 2023, Uganda: Since 2007, more than 100 Sage Days have been organized around the world. During these days, participants discover the SageMath software, develop their programming skills and contribute to the development of the software. Women in Sage days have already been organized in seven different countries. The upcoming Women in Sage - Uganda will take place at Makerere University, Uganda, on September 04-08, and is supported by CWM.

  • Conference on 100 Years of Noetherian Rings: In the early 1920s, Emmy Noether introduced the fundamental concept of a Noetherian ring, a notion that has had a remarkably broad impact on mathematics over the last century. On June 19-23, 2023, the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, USA) will host the conference "100 Years of Noetherian Rings" to celebrate Emmy Noether's legacy.

  • 3rd Meeting for Latin American Women in Mathematics: The Meetings for Latin American Women in Mathematics aim to strengthen the Latin American network of women in mathematics. The 1st edition took place in Mexico in 2016, and the 2nd edition took place in Chile in 2018. The 3rd one will take place in Tunja, Colombia, on June 2-4, 2023, and is supported by CWM.

  • Women in Security and Cryptography Workshop (WISC) 2023: From June 27 to 29, 2023, the Cluster of Excellence CASA in Bochum organizes the WISC workshop for female PhD students and outstanding female students in IT security.
    While the first Women in Security and Cryptography Workshop in 2021 still had to take place digitally due to the pandemic, this year the Cluster of Excellence CASA invites to Bochum: Female graduates and outstanding students from the field of IT security and related areas will spend three exciting days here to learn and network together.
    The program will focus on top-class lectures by leading female scientists in the field of IT security from research and industry. Insights into their research will be provided by, among others:
    ·         Claudia Diaz, KU Leuven
    ·         Maria Eichlseder, TU Graz
    ·         Cynthia Sturton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    ·         Yixin Zou, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
    There will also be panel discussions, poster presentations, and various networking activities.
    Up to 50 young female researchers can attend the Women in Security and Cryptography Workshop in June.

  • First Annual Yulia’s Dream Virtual Conference on May 14-15, 2023: Yulia’s Dream is dedicated to the memory of Yulia Zdanovska, a 21-year-old graduate of the National University of Kyiv, a winner of the 2017 European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad, and a teacher for the “Teach for Ukraine” program who was killed by a Russian-fired missile in her home city of Kharkiv. Yulia’s Dream is a free remote mathematics enrichment and research program for exceptional high school students from Ukraine. It was established in March 2022 as an initiative under PRIMES (Program for Research in Mathematics, Engineering and Science for High School Students) at the Mathematics Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The conference features presentations of group research projects and expository talks by reading groups, with a special session organized by the International Centre for Mathematics in Ukraine (ICMU), including a lecture by Prof. Maryna Viazovska, the 2022 Fields Medalist from Ukraine.

  • Girls in Mathematical Sciences Program (GMSP) by AIMS Ghana is a nine month program for secondary school girls in Ghana to nurture their talents in the mathematical sciences. The mode of delivery is hybrid with monthly online masterclasses by scientists on their research areas and recent open problems.
    Each student is assigned a mentor at the beginning of the program to offer career guidance. Students usually would like to pursue STEM courses at the universities so mentors meet their mentees online at least once every quarter for mentoring sessions. Mentoring sessions will formally begin from April 2023 and end in November 2023.
    Woman in STEM with at least a Bachelor's degree in a STEM field, working in industry or academia can apply for volunteering as a mentor here.


  • Women in Science Film Festival organized by OWSD in partnership with the International Science Council (ISC) on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, this Friday, February 11.
    The festival celebrates the stories and contributions of women in science in developing countries and around the world, with 10 new short films featuring women scientists:
    6 films made as part of the second round of the OWSD Visions project, in which OWSD video consultant Nicole Leghissa works with local filmmakers in developing countries to help them tell the story of women scientists in their communities. The new films premiering as fart of this festival feature 6 OWSD members in Benin, Bolivia, the Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Kenya, and Nepal, who are engaged in research ranging from using magnetic refrigeration to help preserve food security, to turning citrus fruit waste into sustainable cosmetics.
    4 films produced as part of the International Science Council's Unlocking Science series by BBC Storyworks. These include one film made for OWSD featuring Early Career fellow Elizabeth Bandason, and three others on Battling bias in AI, The female future of science in Africa, and Women in STEAM. All of the films will be available to view starting Friday 11 February on the Film Festival webpage: (please note that this page will not be available until then).
    In addition, on February 11 there will be a panel discussion on Case Studies: Approaches to Storytelling in Science, from 15:00-16:15 CET. OWSD Coordinator Tonya Blowers will moderate a panel of communications and storytelling experts involved with both projects.


  • Women in Numbers Europe (WiNE-4) : Registration is still open for the upcoming Women in Numbers - Europe (WIN-E) workshop. This fourth edition will take place in Utrecht, The Netherlands, from August 29th to September 2nd, 2022. Women mathematicians ranging from PhD students to senior researchers and working in any European country are warmly invited to apply here.
    The registration deadline is June 21, 2021.


In 2020, several events went virtual, and specific webinars for women in mathematics were organized. For example Indian Women in Mathematics is organizing virtual IWM Visitor Programme lectures visible on youtube. See here. In Africa, AWMA is organizing a monthly virtual seminar. In Poland, there is the PolWoMaths Seminar.

  • Women in Algebraic Geometry, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM), Rhode Island, USA, July 27-31, 2020. The goals of this workshop are: to advance the frontiers of modern algebraic geometry, including through explicit computations and experimentation, and to strengthen the community of women and non-binary mathematicians working in algebraic geometry. 
  • Tropical Moduli Spaces, EWM/EMS Mittag Leffler Summer School, Institut Mittag Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, June 29-July 3, 2020. The school will consist of two main lecture series with accompanying
    exercise sessions, mini-lecture series, professional development sessions,
    and opportunities for participants to advertise their research. Applications are invited from advanced PhD students and postdocs.
  • The 4th Women in Logic, (Virtually) Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Paris France, June 30, 2020. Women in Logic 2020 is part of "Paris Nord Summer of LoVe 2020", a joint event on LOgic and VErification at Université Paris 13, made of Petri Nets 2020, IJCAR 2020, FSCD 2020, and over 20 satellite events.The Women in Logic workshop (WiL) provides an opportunity to increase awareness of the valuable contributions made by women in the area of logic in computer science.
  • Junior Female Researchers in Probability, Berlin, Germany, June 17-19, 2010. The aim of this workshop is to promote early career female researchers by giving them an opportunity to present their own work and to hear distinguished mathematicians who  can inspire them to pursue a fulfilling career in probability.
  • Women in Theory 2020, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley, California, USA, May 10, 2020. The Women in Theory (WIT) Workshop is intended for graduate and exceptional undergraduate students in the area of theory of computer science. 
  • Summer Research for Women in Mathematics (SWiM), Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, USA, between June 15, 2020, and August 7, 2020. The purpose of this program is to provide space and funds to groups of women mathematicians to work on a research project at MSRI.  
  • 7th Workshop of The Association for Turkish Women in Math, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Turkey, April 16-18, 2020. The purpose of these workshops is to provide a platform where female researchers and graduate students share their research topics, ideas and experiences. This year's workshop focuses on Finite Fields-Coding Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Differential Equations.
  • Women and Mathematics: Number Theory, Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences, Turkey, March 7, 2020. Hosted by the Association for Turkish Women in Mathematics , this one-day event will bring together female mathematicians who work in Number Theory.




  • First International AMU-CAWM Workshop on STI and Mathematics, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, November 22-23, 2018. For more information and to register, see here

  • Women in Mathematical Material Science, University of Regensburg, Germany, November 5-6, 2018. Registration is requested by October 5, 2018 via email to Financial support may be requested also for young women participants.

  • Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM) Regional Workshop on Research and Opportunities, NISER Bhubaneswar, October 27-28, 2018. The workshop is open to post-graduate students, research fellows, college and university teachers and researchers from the states of Eastern India with a special focus on women participants. Application deadline: September 7, 2018.

  • Science by Women, Program for Women, Science, Technology and Innovation in Africa, 4th edition: call for applications, aimed at selecting 14 senior African women scientists to be integrated in 14 top research Spanish centers, now open. Application deadline: September 30, 2018.

  • Women in Automorphic Forms, Technical University Darmstadt, September 5 - 7, 2018. The conference is specially, but not exclusively, addressed to  female mathematicians working in number theory.

  • EWM General Meeting Graz, Austria, September 3 - 7, 2018. Including 3 lectures by EMS lecturer Gigliola Staffilani (MIT). Proposals for special sessions should be submitted by 31 August 2017. Registration will open September 2017.

  • Connections for Women: Hamiltonian Systems, from topology to applications through analysis, MSRI, USA, August 16-17, 2018.

  • (WM)²: World Meeting of Women Mathematicians. Rio de Janeiro, July 31, 2018. This meeting, organized by CWM together with a local group, will be a satellite meeting of ICM2018 and will take place immediately before the ICM itself. This meeting is organized by CWM.

  • Conference on Mathematics of Wave Phenomena, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany, July 23-27, 2018. Abstracts from female contributors are especially encouraged.

  • Women in Shape Modeling, University of Trier, Germany, July 16-20, 2018. A workshop designed to strengthen the shape modeling community by bringing together women researchers at various stages in their careers.

  • Second Women in Logic Workshop, Oxford, UK, July 9, 2018. The workshop will provide an opportunity for women in the field to increase awareness of one another and one another's work, to combat the feeling of isolation. 

  • Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM) Annual Conference, Shiv Nadar University, India, June 21-23, 2018. The application form closes on April 30, 2018.

  • Fifth Workshop of Women Mathematicians, Diyarbakir, Turkey, May 5 - 7, 2018. Organized by the Association for Turkish Women in Maths, hosted by Dicle University.

  • European Women in Mathematics German Chapter Conference 2018, Mathematikon,
    Heidelberg University, May 3 - 4, 2018. "The aim of this conference is to promote communication and networking between mathematicians from all research areas, offering in particular a platform to female mathematicians at all academic stages for presenting their mathematical results, sharing their experiences and discussing the challenges related to the gender gap in this field."

  • London Mathematical Society Women in Mathematics Workshop, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, April 30 - May 1. "This is an inclusive event and
    all are welcome irrespective of gender or career stages."

  • Second Meeting of Mexican Women in Mathematics, Universidad Autónoma of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, April 19-21. This meeting brings together Mexican women mathematicians, both researchers and students, in order to create a forum for exchange and dialogue for women in the mathematical community.

  • London Mathematical Society Meeting in Honour of Maryam Mirzakhani, University of Warwick, March 22, 2018. The meeting commemorates the work of Professor Maryam Mirzakhani (1977 – 2017), Fields Medallist and LMS Honorary Member. The meeting forms part of the 2017-2018 Warwick EPSRC Symposium workshop on Teichmüller Dynamics from 19-23 March.

  • "Women Scientists Achieving Sustainable Development Goals", March 8, 2018. The Moroccan Association of Women and Mathematics organized this workshop in celebration of International Women's Day.

  • "Aspettando l'8 marzo ... Riflessioni sul ruolo della donna nella società di oggi", University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy, March 6, 2018. An event, reflecting on the role of women in today's society, in anticipation of International Women's Day.

  • II Workshop of Women in Mathematics in Latin America. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Viña del Mar, Chile. 22—26 January 2018. This will be a follow-up to the first such workshop held in Oaxaca, Mexico, August 2016.
    This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.


MSRI, Berkeley, USA.

Katmandu, Nepal.

Organised by Women of Nepal in Mathematical Sciences (WoNiMS).

This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

This will include the second meeting of the Tunisian Women in Mathematics Association (TWMA /AFTM).

This event aims to celebrate, connect, inspire, and encourage women in computing.

MSRI, Berkeley, USA

MSRI, Berkeley, USA

  • National School on Commutative Algebra   Thai Nguyen  University   17-18 August 2017

Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam

This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

  • Gender and Mathematics 27 July 2017 

McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Panel discussion and luncheon during the Mathematical Congress of the Americas.

This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

  • Women in Mathematics- A Panorama of Contributions 29-30 July 2017 

Hokkaido University, Japan

This workshop will be part of the Hokkaido Summer Institute 2017 organised by the Mathematics Department of Hokkaido University.

This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

  • AMUCWMA-AWMA Workshop July 6 - 7, 2017.    Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Rabat, Morocco

  • AMUCWMA = African Mathematical Union Commission on Women in Maths in Africa

  • AWMA = African Women in Maths Association

This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

  • First conference of Polish Women in Mathematics. June 22-24, 2017. University of Rzeszow, Poland.
    The main objective of this Conference is to honor the outstanding Polish mathematician Professor Rasiowa. The 100th anniversary of her birth falls in 2017.

This is the first ever Women in Logic (WiL) workshop. It is affiliated with the Thirty-Second Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS).

The Association for Turkish Women in Mathematics was established in 2012.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

University of Western Australia

This mini-symposium will be a celebration of Cheryl Praeger's long and  influential career.

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

The symposium will showcase the research of women in the mathematical professions.  It will feature four plenary talks, special sessions on a broad range of research in pure and applied mathematics, and poster sessions for graduate students and recent PhDs. Seven of the special sessions will be organized by the ResearchNetworks supported by the NSF AWM ADVANCE grant.

There will be a brief presentation of CWM at this meeting by a CWM sponsored representative from Mexico.

University of Bonn, Germany  

This meeting is part of the series of workshops Young Women in... at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics. The workshop provides a platform for female graduate students and postdocs in Geometry to present their research.

  • II Meeting of Peruvian Women in Mathematical Sciences. March 8, 2017

UNMSM, Lima, Peru

Contact: Grupo de Mujeres Peruanas en Ciencias Matemáticas

Febriary 6-7, 2017 

The Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference aims to inspire and educate data scientists, regardless of gender, and support women in the field. Events will be held at Stanford University, and 25+ locations worldwide. Registration opens on October 3, 2016.

Paris, France

These Sage Days are a special event for women who develop in SageMath or wish to learn Sage. They will include introduction presentations, self training, and teamwork on specific projects. For more on Women in Sage see here.

Oberwohlfach, Germany

Atlanta, Georgia

The workshop will consist of a Special Session focused on Number Theory organized by Alina Bucur and Ellen Eischen, and a Poster Session for graduate students.


Sukkur Institute of Business Administration, Sukkur, Pakistan  

The Women in Mathematics Symposium at Sukkur Institute of Business administration invites female mathematicians/ students to come to Sukkur IBA and network with women from Pakistan and abroad who are active and successful in mathematics. 

 IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

University of Bonn, Germany  

This meeting is part of the series of workshops Young Women in... at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics. The workshop provides a platform for female graduate students and postdocs in Harmonc Analysis and PDE to present their research. The deadline for the application is July 31, 2016.

Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK

The field of Data Science is booming, yet comparatively few women are entering it. Why? What are the obstacles and opportunities facing them if they do? The path to change is challenging, but there are women out there who can testify that it’s possible. This event is part of the New Developments in Data Privacy workshop, part of the current INI programme on Data Linkage and Anonymisation. 

  • Iranian Women Mathematicians, 17 November 2016

Shahid Beheshti University, Iran

The Iranian Mathematical Society is establishing a section for Iranian Women Mathematicians. This will be the first gathering of female representatives from all Mathematics Departments of Iran. Contact: Raheleh Jafari 

Nesin Mathematics Village, Turkey  

The conference will highlight and advance the scientific goals and research agendas of women who are active and successful researchers in number theory. At the same time this framework will be used to help create a strong collaboration network for young female researchers coming into the field, connect them with important research directions and expand their network of collaborators and research mentors.

  • First meeting of Central Asian Women Association in Mathematics (CAWAM) 22 - 23 September 2016

International Information Technology University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

This meeting is sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

This meeting is sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

  • Women in Mathematics in Asia Forum July 28 2016. Bali, Indonesia. 

The meeting will be held during the 7th Asia Mathematical Conference AMC2016.

This meeting is sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

Berlin, Germany 

The programme will include survey lectures by prominent female mathematicians, the EWM General Assembly (July 17); a public lecture and the opening of the portrait exhibition of Women Mathematicians in Europe (July 20).

  • Latin American Women in Mathematics July 11-15 2016. Barranquilla, Colombia. 

The meeting will be held during the Fifth Latin American Congress of Mathematics.

This meeting is sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

  • The first meeting of the Association for Women in Mathematics in Senegal  and the first meeting of AWMA for the Western African region.  July 7-8, 2016.  AIMS-Senegal.
    This meeting is sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

Summer school on Geometric and physical aspects of Trudinger-Moser type inequalities.  Sponsored by EWM, EMS and IML.

This workshop is designed to strengthen the shape modeling community by bringing together women researchers at various stages in their careers (from graduate student to senior researcher) to foster research collaboration and mentorship.

Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey

The 2016 topic is Curves Loops and Words in Geometry. The program is aimed at Undergraduate and Graduate students and Post Docs. Application deadline: February 19, 2016.

The purpose of the workshop is to support and expand research efforts by female mathematicians in the field of homotopy theory.

Organized by RIMS(Kyoto University), Department of Mathematics (Kyoto University) and the Mathematical Society of Japan.

  • Encontro Paulista de Mulheres na Matemática (First meeting of women mathematicians from the state of Sao Paulo).  11 March 2016  Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
    This meeting is sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

  • A special day "Young girls and sciences". 5 March 2016 UCAD University  of Dakar, Senegal. Details to follow.

This workshop is one of a series being organised by Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM). The aim is to expose women of North Eastern and Eastern parts of India engaged in teaching and/or research - or pursuing a post-graduate degree in mathematics - to quality research in different areas of mathematics and the various opportunities for pursuing mathematics as a career.


Bratislava, Slovakia    

The aim of this meeting is to establish a Slovak Group of Women in Mathematics.

    EWM 17th General Meeting,  August 30- September 5, 2015  Cortona, Italy
Cortona, Italy. Photo courtesy Noel Matoff

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Bandari College, Mombasa, Kenya

Theme: Women in Mathematics for Social Change & Sustainable Livelihoods!

The conference was supported by CIMPA and intended for African women mathematicians and women postgraduate students in Mathematical Sciences in Africa.  It was also sponsored by CWM.

AWMA, First congress and workshop, July 16- 18, 2015
Photo courtesy MF Ouedraogo

KAIST, Daejeon, S. Korea

The central goal of 2015 KWMS IC is to encourage women and girl students to have active careers in the mathematical sciences and to give an opportunity in which they share past experiences, new advances and research results.

The Hardy Fellowship is awarded by London Mathematical Society to a distinguished overseas mathematician. Professor Joshi will visit the UK in June/July of next year, and will travel the country over a period of 2 – 3 weeks, ending with the special anniversary Hardy Lecture in London on the 3rd of July, 2015.

Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey

Castle Rauischholzhausen near Marburg

The aim is to bring together in a casual and friendly atmosphere mathematicians from all research areas for a short and informal scientific exchange, and to enhance communication between female mathematicians.

Minsk, Belarus

For more information about EGMO, see here.

Mathematical Institute, Oxford

A greatly expanded version of BWM day, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the London Mathematical Society, to include events aimed at schoolgirls, female undergraduates, graduate students and early career researchers.  

University of Maryland College Park

The Symposium will showcase the research of women in the mathematical professions.

Salt Lake City, Utah

An AWM Workshop to be held in conjunction with the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) 

University of Delhi, India.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Dakar, Senegal

Utrecht, Holland

 Lincoln, Nebraska

NCUWM provides an opportunity for undergraduate women to present their mathematics research, meet successful women mathematicians, learn about graduate school opportunities and career options, and form friendships with peers.


Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco-Chile

Prof Rubi Rodriguez is a well known female Chilean mathematician. She did her PhD under Lipman Bers in Columbia Universiy, New York in 1981. She has had a very successful career with several Master and PhD students, most of them currently successful (female) mathematicians.

Banff International Research Station

A weekend designed to serve as a career starter retreat for young female mathematicians.


August 12, 2014 (8am to 5pm) at Ewha Womans University, Seoul; August 14, 2014 (1pm to 9pm) at Coex Convention Center, Seoul.

The International Congress of Women Mathematicians 2014 (ICWM 2014) was an associated meeting of the 27th International Congress of Mathematicians 2014 (ICM 2014) was held from August 13-21, 2014 in Seoul, Korea. ICWM 2014 brought together women mathematicians and their supporters from around the world. It showcased the mathematical contributions of women mathematicians, and provide opportunity for them, especially those from developing countries, to meet and exchange experience and ideas.

The ICWM 2014 was sponsored and organized by the Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences (KWMS) with close assistance and guidance from the International Mathematical Union (IMU). In order to support the participation of women mathematicians from around the world, especially from developing countries, the KWMS also provided 100 travel grants (Together Project) to selected attendees.

  • Young Women and Mathematics-2014      Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune, India 25-27 July 2014
  • 6th European Women in Mathematics Summer School     23-27 June 2014      Institute Mittag Leffler, Sweden Summer school on Apollonian Circle Packings Sponsored by the EWM, EMS and IML.
  • Young Women in Probability   26 –  28 May 2014 Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of Bonn. The aim of this workshop is to provide a platform for young female researchers in Probability (PhD students and postdocs), to present their work in an environment which can cultivate collaborations.
  • Women in Maths Day Ireland 1 May 2014 NUI Galway. The day included presentations and posters by women active in mathematics, mathematics education and industry, at a variety of career stages.
  • Women in Numbers 3 April 20-25, 2014, Banff International Research Station, Canada
  • Inaugural meeting of Pakistan Women in Mathematics    3 April 2014      Islamabad, Pakistan

Photo courtesy Rashia Khanun


Photo courtesy Rashia Khanun


On the steps of the Hausdorff centre © Volker Lannert Fotografie

The meeting was opened by the EWM convenor Marie-Francoise Roy and by Dr. Michael Meier, Chief Administrator of HCM Bonn. The EMS lecturer Tamar Ziegler (Hebrew University, Israel) gave a series of lectures on Dynamics and prime solutions to linear equations. Besides many mathematical lectures, the program included a discussion: In what way do women benefit from “excellence schemes” now widly spread in various European countries?  An session “Present your neighbor” was both instructive and relaxing, as one could find out about the scientific careers, research interests, families and hobbies of the participants.

Photo courtesy BIRS

WINE:  Women in Numbers-Europe Conference in Luminy  October 2013

Photo courtesy Alina Bucur
  • III Chilean Meeting of Women in Computer Sciences, Chile, 2013

A meeting organised by Mujeres en Computacion.


Atelier Femmes et Maths Ouaga 2012      (Workshop for Women and Maths, Ouaga 2012)

L’Université de Ouagadougou, Ouagadougou Burkina Faso, 26 - 27 octobre 2012 L’atelier Femmes et Maths Ouaga 2012 est un forum pour la promotion des mathématiques et des femmes mathématiciennes africaines ; il ambitionne de réunir les doctorantes et femmes mathématiciennes pour discuter de la situation des femmes mathématiciennes en Afrique et de créer un cadre permanent de rencontres et d’échanges entre elles.



The first International Conference of Women Mathematicians, ICWM 2010, was held in Hyderabad, India just before the ICM in Hyderabad, India, August 2010.


Photos courtesy Sara Maloni


Within the celebrations dedicated to the international astronomical year 2009, Women and Space brought together some of the most brilliant and famous women working in space science, from space missions, to astrophysics, to literature.

Photo courtesy Alessandra Celletti

Ingrid Daubechies, EMS lecturer and current president of the IMU

Photos courtesy Dusanka Perisic

Lots more wonderful photos of this meeting can be found here.

During EWM2009 we made a new EWM promo film. You will be able to see and hear Ingrid Daubechies, Barbara Lee Keyfitz, Cheryl Praeger, Jelena Kovacevic, Reidun Twarock, Ragni Piene,Tatiana Suslina, Caroline Series, Frances Kirwan, Lisbeth Fajstrup, Sylvie Paycha, and many other brilliant women mathematicians. The 2009 EMS Lecturer, Ingrid Daubechies, delivered her talks at our conference. They are available on the European Mathematical Society website here.
This is just part of the video material filmed during the conference. All the conference talks can be seen on youtube: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.