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IMU Secretariat

Since January 2011, the Secretariat of the International Mathematical Union is permanently based in Berlin, Germany. Under the supervision of the IMU Executive Committee, the Secretariat runs IMU’s day-to-day business and provides support for many IMU operations, including administrative assistance for the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) and the Commission for Developing Countries (CDC). The IMU Secretariat also hosts the IMU archive.

IMU Staff Members

Dietmar Hömberg
Dietmar Hömberg
Head of the IMU Secretariat and IMU Treasurer
Scott Jung
Scott Jung
Manager of the IMU Secretariat
Mariusz Szmerlo
Mariusz Szmerlo
IMU Accountant
Birgit Seeliger
Birgit Seeliger
IMU Archivist
Frank Klöppel
Frank Klöppel
IT and Technical Support of the IMU
Vanessa Chung
Vanessa Chung
Community Manager & Grant Administrator

IMU Secretary General

The Secretary General is responsible for conducting the ordinary business of the Union and for keeping its records.

Christoph Sorger
Nantes Université, France

Address of the IMU Secretariat

Permanent secretariat

For the first time in its almost 100-year history, IMU has a permanent secretariat. In the past, IMU conducted its business at the institution of the IMU Secretary General which usually also served as the legal domicile of IMU. At the General Assembly 2010 in Bangalore, India, the Weierstrass Institute in Berlin, Germany (WIAS) was elected as the host institution of the permanent secretariat. The operation of the secretariat is supported by grants from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the State of Berlin.

Locations of the IMU Secretariat until 2010

The International Mathematical Union is grateful to the institutions that have hosted the IMU office in previous years. Beginning in 1950 with the preparations for the (second) foundation of IMU in 1951/1952 the IMU secretariat has operated in the following locations:


  • Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum (ZIB)
  • Berlin, Germany


  • Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
  • Princeton, USA


  • Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA)
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


  • Helsingin yliopisto (University of Helsinki)
  • Helsinki, Finland


  • Collège de France
  • Paris, France


  • Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich
  • Zurich, Switzerland


  • Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
  • Rome, Italy


  • Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab (Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters)
  • København, Denmark