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The Friends of the International Mathematical Union (FIMU)

The Friends of the International Mathematical Union (FIMU) is an organization that supports the activities of the International Mathematical Union (IMU). FIMU is a non-profit corporation and entitled to obtain tax free donations from US taxpayers. More formally, FIMU was established on July 17, 2008 as a US 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation registered in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, US.

FIMU administers, among others, the financial aspects of the funds obtained from the Chern Foundation and the Simons Foundation for the Chern Medal Award, it also administers the contributions of members of the American Mathematical Society which are directed to foster mathematics research and scholarship in developing countries.

For more information about FIMU please consult the FIMU Web page.

Address of FIMU

The activities of FIMU are managed by the headquarters of the American Mathematical Society in Providence/Rhode Island, under the supervision of the Executive Director of the AMS. The address of FIMU is:

Friends of the International Mathematical Union
201 Charles Street
Providence, RI 02904

FIMU board

FIMU itself is governed by a board of directors which currently consists of the following persons:

  • Hiraku Nakajima
  • President
  • Christoph Sorger
  • Secretary
  • Robert Bryant
  • Board Member
  • Andrea Solotar
  • Board Member
  • Mark Green
  • Board Member
  • FIMU Treasurer is Jane Hawkins.


FIMU coordinates various funding initiatives to collect contributions that help support the development of mathematics in all its aspects. To find out more about funding opportunities, please contact