In addition to the IMU Executive Committee which administers the International Mathematical Union in general, various Committees and Commissions address specific issues on the IMU agenda. In general, Commissions are established by the IMU members and are supposed to have a long lifetime, see item IV. of the By-Laws of the IMU Statutes, while Committees can be established by the IMU EC and/or the IMU General Assembly, usually for a special short to medium term purpose.
The International Mathematical Union has guidelines for joint commissions.
The IMU commissions are:
The IMU Committees are
Of very short term are the Committees set up and elected at the beginning of each meeting of the General Assembly. These are the
Credentials Committee
Tellers Committee
Finance and Dues Committee
Resolutions Committee
Election Committee.
The roles these Committees play and the membership of these Committees at the last General Assembly in Gyeongju can be found here.
For a list of previous Nominating Committees go here.
Of particular importance is the election of the members of the IMU EC, CDC and ICHM.The election rules are described in the Procedures for the Election that were adopted by the IMU General Assembly in Bangalore in 2010. An IMU Nominating Committee forms the slates for the IMU EC, CDC and ICHM, while a special ICMI Nominating Committee forms the slate for the ICMI EC.