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GRAID Awardees 2017

Below you will find an overview of all grantees awarded in 2017 under the Graduate Assistantships in Developing Countries program. 


Keumo Nguekeng Adriel Raoul, Defo Hugues Olivier, Edgar Tchoundja, Brett Wick (Left to Right)


Two students were awarded a GRAID grant in the research group led by Principal Investigator, Edgar Tchoundja (University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon), with International Partner, Brett Wick (Washington University in St. Louis, USA).

  • Keumo Nguekeng Adriel Raoul
  • Defo Hugues Olivier

As graduate assistants of the research group, their research focused boundedness and compactness properties of Hankel and Toeplitz operators between vector-valued Bergman spaces (Defo) and weighted estimates for operators associated to the Bergman-Besov kernels and multipliers on Hardy spaces of Dirichlet series (Keumo).

With the support of the GRAID program, both Keumo Nguekeng Adriel Raoul and Defo Hugues Olivier successfully completed their Ph.D.



Arij Benkhadra, Dirar Benkhadra, Adnin Roudi (Left to Right)


Three students were awarded a GRAID grant in the research group led by Principal Investigator, Driss Bennis (Mohammed V University, Morocco), with International Partner, Luis Oyonarte (Universidad de Almería, Spain).

  • Arij Benkhadra
  • Dirar Benkhadra
  • Adnin Roudi

As graduate assistants of the research group, their research focused on the geometrical and categorical concepts in homological algebra.

With the support of the GRAID program, Dirar Benkhadra and Adnin Roudi successfully completed their Ph.D. Arij Benkhadra transferred to a Ph.D. program in France.