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Partners and Support

CDC cooperates with several institutions and also receives support from various institutions and partners worldwide. We thank them very much for their support!


CDC and its programs currently receive support from:

Past supporters include:

CDC regular cooperates with:

We also would like to thank the German Ministry of Education and Research and the Senate of the City of Berlin, Germany who fund the IMU Secretariat and staff located in Berlin, Germany. 

Non IMU Grants

The Simons Foundation supports research in mathematics and the basic sciences. They sponsor a range of programs that aim to promote a deeper understanding of our world.

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) supports scientific expertise in the developing world and encourage high-level research in the fields of physics and mathematics.

The International Centre for Pure and Applied Mathematics CIMPA promotes international cooperation in higher education and research in mathematics and their interactions, as well as related subjects, for the benefit of developing countries. Their action concentrates at the places where mathematics emerges and develops, and where a research project is possible.