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There is a number of prizes specifically for women mathematicians.  A very comprehensive list of prizes and awards for and won by women mathematicians can be found on the Agnes Scott College website here.

There are various annual lectures by prominent women mathematicians. In addition, in recent years many of the distinguished EMS lecturers have been women. Beyond the lectures listed below, the  Agnes Scott College women in maths website has a further list of lecture series for women mathematicians here.

There are a number of recurring events aimed largely at female mathematicians. Some are gatherings and workshops; going to one is a wonderful way to experience what it is like to find yourself in a large group of mainly female mathematicians. In addition to mathematics, you get the opportunity to meet so many interesting people and to have  so many memorable exchanges besides. Both fruitful collaborations and lifelong friendships are frequently the result.

Because of the relatively small numbers, most WiM organisations span all fields of mathematics. However a number of groups have recently started  for women in specialist fields. Here is a list, together  with a number of organizations specifically aimed at women in Statistics and Operational Research. If you know of others, please let us know.

There are many mathematical events held each year organised by and specifically aimed at women mathematicians. Here is a sample, listed with the most recent first. For events supported by CWM please look also in the CWM News.
Click on a year to see that year’s events. Please contact us with details of any  relevant events, past or future, that you would like to suggest we add.

Here are some links to more websites which themselves contain more links to other organisations.

There are many organizations for women in various sciences, or with particular interests. Below is a partial list which we hope to add to in due course.

The Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM) of the International Mathematical Union is the only global organisation for Women in Mathematics. The CWM was created by the Executive Committee of the IMU in March 2015. Its purpose is to promote worldwide contacts between national and regional organisations for women in mathematics and to undertake other related activities.

In addition there are several regional or continental organisations supporting women mathematicians.

National organizations are listed in alphabetical order by country. The page for regional, continental or international organization for women in mathematics can be found here.

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