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The 2016 CWM sponsored events took place in Colombia (Latin America), India, Indonesia (S. and E. Asia), Kazakhstan (Central Asia), Mexico (Latin America), Senegal (West Africa), Tunisia (North  Africa). For a brief report on these activities, see here.

The sponsored events after the 2017 CWM  call took place in Brazil, Canada, Chile, India, Iran, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Tunisia, South Africa and Vietnam.  See report here.

The issue of gender in mathematical education is a huge subject  in its own right, which we cannot fully do justice to here.  Here are a selection of organizations, links to further resources, initiatives and articles.

Here are some general books about women and mathematics, listed in order of publication date. More books about lives of women mathematicians can be found here.

Recently, many publications and websites have carried interesting interviews with female mathematicians, among them the AWM and EWM newsletters. On this page you will find some general sources for interviews and also some interviews with individuals. Please let us know of other interviews which might be included.

Industry and business also has an interest in encouraging women in mathematics. Some have offered sponsorship for mathematical events and others are taking action to encourage women working in their own company, or to fund projects that promote diversity and inclusion in the STEM field. Here is a sample.

Here is a sample of some international and official initiatives which are being taken to address the problem of retention of women in mathematics in science and mathematics in particular.

Many of the larger mathematical research institutes, and a number of different universities, have set up programs of many different kinds to help try to address the issues facing women in mathematics. We have listed those we know about here.

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