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Women in Topology

29 November - 1 December 2017

MSRI, Berkeley, USA.

Symposium for South Asian Women in Mathematics

2-15 October 2017

Katmandu, Nepal.

Organised by Women of Nepal in Mathematical Sciences (WoNiMS).

This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

Australia’s first women-in-maths research conference.

Organised by the Australian Maths Society Women in Maths Group WIMSIG. 25—26 September 2017.

University of South Australia, Adelaide

The first mathematical school in algebraic geometry in Tunisia.

11-15 September 2017. Hammamet, Tunisia.

This will include the second meeting of the Tunisian Women in Mathematics Association (TWMA /AFTM).

4th ACM Europe Celebration of Women in Computing: womENcourage

September 6-8 2017. Barcelona, Spain 

This event aims to celebrate, connect, inspire, and encourage women in computing.

Connections for Women: Geometric and Topological Combinatorics

August 31 - September 01, 2017

MSRI, Berkeley, USA

Connections for Women Workshop: Geometry and Probability

August 17 - 18, 2017

MSRI, Berkeley, USA

National School on Commutative Algebra

Thai Nguyen  University   17-18 August 2017

Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam

This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

Gender and Mathematics 27 July 2017

McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Panel discussion and luncheon during the Mathematical Congress of the Americas.

This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

Women in Mathematics- A Panorama of Contributions

29-30 July 2017 

Hokkaido University, Japan

This workshop will be part of the Hokkaido Summer Institute 2017 organised by the Mathematics Department of Hokkaido University.

This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics.

July 16 -20 2017. University of Birmingham, UK.


July 6 - 7, 2017.    Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Rabat, Morocco

AMUCWMA = African Mathematical Union Commission on Women in Maths in Africa

AWMA = African Women in Maths Association

This meeting is partially sponsored by CWM. For details see here.

First conference of Polish Women in Mathematics.

June 22-24, 2017. University of Rzeszow, Poland.

The main objective of this Conference is to honor the outstanding Polish mathematician Professor Rasiowa. The 100th anniversary of her birth falls in 2017.

WiL 2017: Women in Logic Workshop June 19, 2017.

Reykjavik, Iceland.

This is the first ever Women in Logic (WiL) workshop. It is affiliated with the Thirty-Second Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS).

German Chapter of EWM

Conference 2017.

June 9-10, 2017.

University of Bielefeld.

Turkish Women in Mathematics 4th workshop.

April 28-29, 2017. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.

The Association for Turkish Women in Mathematics was established in 2012.

Women in PDEs @ Karlsruhe

April 17-28, 2017

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

Cheryl Praeger Retirement Mini-symposium

April 13, 2017

University of Western Australia

This mini-symposium will be a celebration of Cheryl Praeger's long and  influential career.

AWM Symposium 2017

8 - 9 April, 2017

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

The symposium will showcase the research of women in the mathematical professions.  It will feature four plenary talks, special sessions on a broad range of research in pure and applied mathematics, and poster sessions for graduate students and recent PhDs. Seven of the special sessions will be organized by the ResearchNetworks supported by the NSF AWM ADVANCE grant.

There will be a brief presentation of CWM at this meeting by a CWM sponsored representative from Mexico.

Young Women in Geometry

3 - 5 April, 2017

University of Bonn, Germany  

This meeting is part of the series of workshops Young Women in... at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics. The workshop provides a platform for female graduate students and postdocs in Geometry to present their research.

II Meeting of Peruvian Women in Mathematical Sciences.

March 8, 2017

UNMSM, Lima, Peru

Contact: Grupo de Mujeres Peruanas en Ciencias Matemáticas

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

11 February 2017.

Indian Women and Mathematics

Regional Workshop at Punjabi University, Patiala.

Febriary 6-7, 2017 

Women in Data Science Conference

3 Febuary, 2017

The Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference aims to inspire and educate data scientists, regardless of gender, and support women in the field. Events will be held at Stanford University, and 25+ locations worldwide. Registration opens on October 3, 2016.

Sage Days 82: Women in Sage

9 - 13 January, 2017

Paris, France

These Sage Days are a special event for women who develop in SageMath or wish to learn Sage. They will include introduction presentations, self training, and teamwork on specific projects. For more on Women in Sage see here.

Women in Mathematics: Historical and Modern Perspectives

8 - 14 January, 2017

Oberwohlfach, Germany

Joint Mathematics Meetings AWM Workshop

4 - 7 January, 2017

Atlanta, Georgia

The workshop will consist of a Special Session focused on Number Theory organized by Alina Bucur and Ellen Eischen, and a Poster Session for graduate students.