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Theorems and initiatives inspired by Maryam Mirzakhani from the virtual Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Panelists: Viincen Delecroix (France), Hélène Barcelo (USA), Andrea Vera Gajardo (Chile), Sorelle Toukam Tchoumegne (Cameroon) and Georges-Philippe Gadoury-Sansfacon (Canada), chair Marie-Françoise Roy

The video of the panel discussion is available  here.


Maryna Viazovska receives the 2020 Latsis Prize.

Maryna Viazovska receives the 2020 Latsis Prize. The young Ukrainian-born mathematician, professor at EPFL, in 2016 made a breakthrough in solving problems of compact stacking of spheres.

"I am happy to contribute thanks to the Latzis Prize to the excellent reputation of my institute (...), and I hope of course that this reward will incite girls to become passionate about mathematics", rejoices Maryna Viazovska.

Rita Pardini awarded with the Tartufari Prize from Lincei Academy

Rita Pardini, full professor of Geometry at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa, won the international prize "Luigi Tartufari" for Mathematics 2020 edition of the National Academy of Lincei, ex-aequo with Valentino Tosatti of Northwestern University (USA ). "The algebraic taste, rigor and elegance characterize her extremely valuable production" is the judgment that emerges from the jury's motivation that awarded the prize to the professor.

Standing for Gender Equality in Science in times of Covid-19 is a statement from  the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES) calling for all individuals and institutions engaged in science to join forces in supporting women colleagues whose research careers are jeopardized by the pandemic.

May 12, a Celebration for Women in Mathematics, year 2020

May 12 was chosen for the Celebration of Women in Mathematics because it is the birthdate of Maryam Mirzakhani. The initiative was  proposed by the Women's Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Society and voted by a vast majority of attendees to (WM)², the World Meeting for Women on Mathematics on last July 31 in Rio.

Several suggestions for local activities around May 12 are listed here.Please feel free to organize one and mention it on May 12 website.


The CWM 2020 call for Networks, Schools and Workshops received 35 applications of which CWM decided to support 8. In the selection of grants, priority was given to projects developing regional networks for Women in Mathematics in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Upgrading  and making permanent the May 12 initiative website was also approved.

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