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Marithania Silvero Casanova receives Vicent Caselles research prize for disproving a conjecture in knot theory

Marithania Silvero Casanova was not yet born when Louis Kauffman stated in 1983 the conjecture that established that two particular families of knots were equivalent. Silvero, born in Huelva in 1989, refuted the conjecture in 2015. Her finding has been recognized with the Vicent Caselles research prize, awarded by the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society and the BBVA Foundation.

See more here.

CWM Call 2020

CWM invites proposals for funding of up to €3000 for activities or initiatives taking place in 2020, aimed at either (a) establishing or supporting networks for women in mathematics, preferably at the continental or regional level, and with priority given to networks in developing or emerging countries or (b) organizing a mathematical school open to all with all women speakers and mainly women organisers or (c) orgaizing research workshops geared towards establishing research networks for women by fostering research collaborations during the event or (d) other i

Nominations for Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics, 7 October 2019

In recognition of Dr. Mirzakhani’s remarkable life and achievements, the National Academy of Sciences has established a newly named Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics (formerly the NAS Award in Mathematics, which was established in 1988 by the American Mathematical Society in honor of its centennial). The prize will be awarded biennially for exceptional contributions to the mathematical sciences by a mid-career mathematician. Nominations for the inaugural Mirzakhani Prize are due by October 7, 2019.

Carola Schönlieb receives the 2019 Calderon Prize

Carola Schönlieb has  received the 2019 Calderon Prize, which is a prize for the Inverse Problems field (awarded biennially  starting in 2007). Carola Schönlieb is the first woman mathematician that received this award, her work being in image processing and partial differential equations.

Carola Schönlieb is the current covenor of European Women in Mathematics.

Carmen Torras and Elisa Lorenzo Garcia receive a Prize of the Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno Foundation

Carmen Torras and Elisa Lorenzo Garcia received the Prize for Pioneer Women in the Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Sciences of the Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno Foundation.

The awards ceremony  took place on June 4 2019 at the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences.In this fourth edition the prize was awarded to Carme Torras (Barcelona, 1956) and for the first time the Young Modality of the Prize was awarded: the recipient was Elisa Lorenzo García (Madrid, 1987).

Success of May 12, a Celebration for Women in Mathematics

There were more than 100 events, announced here , taking place in the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Benin, Brasil, Canada, Chile, Congo, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Nepal, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, USA. Local events were varied : films, exhibitions, panel discussions, lectures, lunches, dinners, ...

Remember Maryam Mirzakhani

Remember Maryam Mirzakhani is an exhibition with 18 original poster. Institutions interested in hosting the exhibition can consult the rules of use and contact CWM at The exhibition opened at (WM)², the World Meeting for Women in Mathematics, and remained open during ICM 2018. It contained also a book of condolences, and volumes with Maryam Mirzakhani's mathematical papers as well as a book with papers about her. Curator: Thais Jordao. Designer: Rafael Meireles Barroso.


May 12, a Celebration for Women in Mathematics, year 2019

May 12 was chosen for the Celebration of Women in Mathematics because it is the birthdate of Maryam Mirzakhani. The initiative was  proposed by the Women's Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Society and voted by a vast majority of attendees to (WM)², the World Meeting for Women on Mathematics on last July 31 in Rio.

Several suggestions for local activities around May 12 are listed here.Please feel free to organize one and mention it on May 12 website.

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