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Emma Castelnouvo Award 2020

The 2020 Emma Castelnuovo Award was given during the ICME 14 in Shanghai to NCTM – the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (USA and Canada). The congress was delayed, and then took place as a Hybrid Conference from July 11 to 18, 2021. The Award Lecture was held by Trena L. Wilkerson.

Better proportion of women lecturers at ICM 2022

The list of the mathematicians who will give the invited lectures during the ICM2022 program was officially published. CWM is happy to report that the proportion of women (plenary and sectional) lecturers has reached a little more than 20%. For the previous ICMs (Rio 2018, Seoul 2014, Hyderabad 2010) the proportion had stabilized around 15 %, after a period of growth starting in the 1990s.


2022 Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize

Three Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prizes were awarded to early-career women mathematicians:

Sarah Peluse, Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University (PhD Stanford University 2019)
For contributions to arithmetic combinatorics and analytic number theory, particularly with regards to polynomial patterns in dense sets.

Hong Wang, University of California, Los Angeles (PhD MIT 2019)
For advances on the restriction conjecture, the local smoothing conjecture, and related problems.

Film Screening “Secrets of the Surface – The Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani” for undergraduate students of the University of Tokyo

On August 6th 2021 19:00-21:00, there was an online Film Screening Event of “Secret of the Surface”, with Japanese subtitles at the University of Tokyo. Iorganized by Go Global Gateway and Kavli IPMU. The audience were undergraduate students in several departments. Yukari Ito (Kavli IPMU) introduced the film and gave a lecture on the mathematics and her experience abroad too.

Promoting women in mathematics

A panel discussion on questions of diversity and inclusion that will help identify relevant initiatives to attract women to research in the mathematical sciences, and more particularly at IHES.

Panelists will be:
Eva Bayer-Fluckiger, Professor Emeritus at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Kathryn Leonard, president of the Association of Women in Mathematics, and

МАТЕМАТИКА, through a land of mathematics

The project МАТЕМАТИКА, through a land of mathematics tells stories of ten Russian women from nine different cities who contribute, directly or indirectly, to the research in mathematics. Each one of them, in her unique way, is engaged into mathematics.

Russia is a very special place for mathematics, and this project is an attempt to sketch an impression of modern Russian mathematics in many of its different aspects.

May 12, a Celebration for Women in Mathematics, year 2021

May 12 was chosen for the Celebration of Women in Mathematics because it is the birthdate of Maryam Mirzakhani. The initiative was  proposed by the Women's Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Society and voted by a vast majority of attendees to (WM)², the World Meeting for Women on Mathematics on last July 31 in Rio.

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