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Liliana Forzani first woman President of the Mathematical Union of Latin America and Caribbean (UMALCA)


CWM Ambassador for Argentina Liliana Forzani was elected as UMALCA President for the period 2021-2024.

Liliana graduated with her first degree in Applied Mathematics in 1988 from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, and completed a PhD in Mathematics in 1993 at the Universidad Nacional de San Luis, in Argentina. Then in 2007 she finished a second PhD, in Statistics, at the University of Minnesota.

Liliana now works in both Statistics and Mathematics. She is a Principal Researcher in the National Scientific and Technical Research Council - Argentina (CONICET), and also a Full Professor at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina.

Liliana received a 2008 L'Oreal-UNESCO-Conicet prize for Women in science, and she was formally mentioned by the parliament of Santa Fe province on the occasion of  "International Women's day" in March 2009, both in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

She has supervised several PhD students, written many articles and book chapters, and held various positions in her university and other organizations. Liliana actively encourages young people and children in math. She also promotes gender-equity in the math community, and she is not afraid to speak out against unacceptable behaviour when she sees it, including sexual misconduct and discrimination.