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ICM 2022 Emmy Noether Lecturer: Marie-France Vignéras

ICM Emmy Noether Lecture honors women who have made fundamental and sustained contributions to the mathematical sciences, it was presented for the first time in 1994. The 2022 ICM Emmy Noether Lecture will be delivered by Marie-France Vignéras, Professor Emeritus of the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France.
More information on the announcement of the Emmy Noether Lecture here.

Prix Jeune Chercheur de l'Académie Tunisienne des sciences, des lettres et des arts “Beit al-Hikma”to Selma Negzaoui

Selma Negzaoui, TWMA chair, AXMA member and CWM ambassador in Tunisia, receives the young researcher prize from the Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts "Beit Elhikma" for the year 2021 for her work in harmonic analysis. See here.

Liliana Forzani first woman President of the Mathematical Union of Latin America and Caribbean (UMALCA)

CWM Ambassador for Argentina Liliana Forzani was elected as UMALCA President for the period 2021-2024.

Liliana graduated with her first degree in Applied Mathematics in 1988 from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, and completed a PhD in Mathematics in 1993 at the Universidad Nacional de San Luis, in Argentina. Then in 2007 she finished a second PhD, in Statistics, at the University of Minnesota.

CWM Call 2022

The CWM 2022 call for Networks, Workshops and other initiatives is opened till 15 December, 2021.

Because the COVID crisis is far from being over, (totally or partially) virtual on-line events are welcome and non -virtual projects should explain their plans in case they have to turn virtual.

There will be no other CWM call for applications regarding activities in 2022.

European Women in Mathematics General Meeting 2022

The EWM announces its General Meeting 2022, to be held at the Aalto University, Finland on August 22-26, 2022.
EMS/EWM speaker will be Claire Voisin (CNRS). Find more information on Plenary and Gender speakers here.
The call for minisymposia will be posted officially in a few weeks.
February 28, 2022 - Submission of Minisymposium Proposals
March 31, 2022 – Application for Travel/Accommodation Grants
May 31, 2022 - Submission of Abstracts

Workshop on “The power of women in deep learning"

As part of the Mathematics of Deep Learning programme at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge it is organised a workshop on “The power of women in deep learning”, 22-23 November 2021. Both in-person and online participation is possible. Speakers include Andrea Bertozzi, Ingrid Daubechies, Stefanie Jegelka, Gitta Kutyniok, Caroline Uhler, Rachel Ward and Marinka Zitnik. To register go here.
Registration closes on the 20th of October!

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