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Purchasing NISS Volumes

60% discount for all hard-cover, soft-cover and e-books publications of the NISS ICMI Studies published by Springer

Springer offers a 60% discount to the ICMI Community for all the publications of the NISS ICMI Studies published by Springer. This includes three products: all hard-cover, soft-cover and e-books published in the Series.

Purchasing the NISS volumes: how to obtain the ICMI discount

Since the 1990s, the volumes resulting from the ICMI Studies appear in the New ICMI Study Series (NISS), now published by Springer under the general editorship of the President and Secretary-General of ICMI.

According to the contract between ICMI and Springer, "members of the ICMI community" are entitled to the ICMI Society Discount, namely

  • a discount of 60% from the price on the Springer website on each NISS series hard-cover, soft-cover and e-books publication 

The contract wording has been coined so to be as inclusive as possible, but it is understood that the books thus ordered are for personal use only.

The procedure for obtaining the ICMI community discount is as follows.

  1. Orders must be placed personally, on the Springer website, through the NISS series homepage

  2. Please select the hard-cover, soft-cover or e-book version of the ICMI Study publication you wish to buy with the 60% discount.
  3. Click on "buy" of the selected book to your chart.
  4. Select ‘Shopping Cart & to Checkout’ and enter your discount Token under "Springer Coupon/ Token". 
  5. The following Token has been issued by Springer for use by the members of the ICMI community:

Token for all hard-cover, soft-cover and e-books: zqwqqJQFWzQ8WqY

This discount is not available when ordering the NISS volumes through a bookstore.

If you click here, you find a pdf how to order a ICMI Study with the 60% discount.