First Workshop held in 2014 and follow-up meeting 2015
The first East African CANP workshop was held September 1st–12th, 2014 at the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development East Africa, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Participants came from Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda and included mathematics teacher-educators, teachers, mathematicians and policy-makers. The workshop was held in English and will consisted of different activities (public and plenary lectures, workshops for secondary school teachers, panels, round tables, visits to schools, cultural events) on themes of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, such as: Fundamental Mathematics in Secondary School Mathematics, Curriculum Technologies Assessment of mathematics learning, Problem Solving in Mathematics Language and mathematics, Mathematics for Planet Earth, Klein Project and Mathematics in African cultural practices.
On October 1, 2015 a meeting was set up as a follow up to the kick off workshop in 2014. The follow up to CANP4 was hosted by Dr. Alphonse Uworwabayeho of the University of Rwanda, College of Education (UR-CE) Kigali. Participants of the follow-up meeting were key stakeholders in mathematics and mathematics education from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda, Objectives of the follow-up meeting were to consolidate the impact of CANP4 through firmly establishing the newly created East Africa Mathematics Education and Research Network (EAMERN) and setup the structure of the newly established East Africa Mathematics Education and Research Network by exploring the following
Activities since 2015
The following acitivites took place since 2015:
The fourth Capacity and Network Project (CANP4 East Africa) held its first workshop September 1-12, 2014 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania at the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development East Africa.
CANP 4 aims to build capacity in mathematics education and create a sustainable regional network with a common goal of improving mathematics education in the East African region. More than 80 participants from Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda attended the two-week workshop at the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development East Africa, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Participants were mostly mathematics teachers, teacher educators and curriculum developers with some representation from the international mathematics education community.
The Program included a variety of highly relevant activities e.g. public lecture(s), demonstrating mathematical modelling on real life issues of significance to East Africa; keynote address (es) on significant aspects of mathematics education in the region; teacher development workshops on mathematics topics drawn from the regional high school curriculum; media engagement sessions; and opportunities for the wider community to participate in mathematical activities.
You can download the program here.
ICMI Liaison Officer/ Programme Manager: Ferdinando Arzarello, ICMI President
Local Program Chair: Anjum Halai, Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development East Africa, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
CANP 4 is endorsed by the ICSU Regional Office for Africa (ICSU ROA). ICSU ROA staff member Dr. Daniel Nyanganyura participateed at the first CANP4 workshop and presented the Regional Office activities in the field of mathematics, science, engineering and technology as well as possible avenues of research collaboration within and outside the African continent.
CANP 4 was supported with a grant from ICSU as well as a grant from UNESCO. We would like to thank both institutions very much for their support.
The Local Organizing Team, lead by Anjum Halai and the Programme Manager, Ferdinando Arzarello met February 21-23 at the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development East Africa, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to discuss the next CANP (CANP 4, East Africa).
CANP 4 receives support by the International Council of Science (ICSU), the Regional Office Africa, ICSU ROA, the International Mathematical Union (IMU), IMUs Commission for Developing Countries (IMU-CDC), the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), the Aga Khan University Tanzania, UNESCO and the IMU Secretariat in Berlin, Germany.