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ICMI Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (EC) of ICMI consists of the following members. 

  1. Elected by the ICMI General Assembly: Nine members, including the four officers, namely, the President, the two Vice-Presidents, and the Secretary-General. The President shall serve for one, non-renewable, term.
  2. Ex-officio members: The immediate Past President of ICMI, the President and the Secretary of IMU. The IMU President and Secretary may delegate their ICMI responsibilities up to two other IMU EC members, the ICMI liaison persons.
  3. Co-opted member: In order to compensate for missing coverage or representation, the ICMI Executive Committee may exceptionally co-opt one additional member, in consultation with the IMU Executive Committee.

Decisions of the ICMI Executive Committee are generally taken by consensus. In instances where a vote is required, all members of the Committee, including ex-officio members and the co-opted member, if any, shall have the right to vote.
The election of the ICMI Executive Committee, including the formation of the ICMI Nominating Committee, is carried out according to the most recent version of the procedures for election, as adopted by the IMU General Assembly.


Duties and Responsibities of an ICMI Executive Committee (EC)

The document below describes the general responsibilities, the composition, the duties and the commitments of all the Executive Committee (EC) members.