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ICMI as an Organization

On this page you find the following information:

  • Introduction of ICMI as an Organization
  • ICMI General Assembly
  • ICMI Terms of References
  • Election Procedure
  • ICMI Financial and Activity Reports

ICMI as an Organization

The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction was established at the Fourth International Congress of Mathematicians in Rome, 1908. Following interruptions in activity as a result of the First and Second World Wars, ICMI was reconstituted in 1952 and became an official commission of the International Mathematical Union (IMU).

As a scientific union, IMU is a member of the International Science Council (ISC) former ICSU. This implies that through IMU, ICMI is to abide by the ISC statutes, one of which establishes the Principle of the Universality of Science, the essential elements of which are non-discrimination and equity. Through this principle, ISC affirms the right and freedom of scientists to participate without discrimination and on an equitable basis in legitimate scientific activities, whether they be conducted in a national, transnational or international context, regardless of their citizenship, religion, political stance, ethnic origin, sex, etc. Apart from observing IMU and ISC general rules and principles, ICMI works with a large degree of autonomy.

The General Assembly of ICMI meets during the International Congresses on Mathematical Education (ICMEs), held every four years.  This Assembly is responsible in particular for the election of the Executive Committee of ICMI, which includes the presiding officers of ICMI.

The General Assembly of IMU formally adopts ICMI's Terms of Reference as well as the procedures for the election of the Executive Committee of ICMI. Moreover funding of ICMI administrative costs and several activities comes from an IMU annual grant that is approved by the IMU General Assembly. ICMI files an annual report of its activities and a financial report to the IMU Executive Committee for endorsement.  Furthermore, ICMI files quadrennial reports at General Assembly meetings of both IMU and ICMI.

ICMI General Assembly

As a commission, ICMI is defined by two constituent components. 

The first component is the Executive Committee (EC) and the General Assembly of ICMI elects the EC for a four-year term.  The responsibility of the EC is to conduct the business of ICMI in accordance with its Terms of Reference and subject to the direction and review of its members. 

The second component is the set of ICMI Representatives of the member states. The Representatives are appointed by or on behalf of the Adhering Organizations or the Committees for Mathematics of the respective countries. 

The EC members and the ICMI Representatives constitute the General Assembly of ICMI, which is summoned every four years in conjunction with the quadrennial International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME). Representatives of ICMI Affiliate Organizations are invited to attend the General Assembly but have no right to vote.

Since 2008 ICMI hold its own General Assemblies.

The next ICMI General Assembly will be held: in Prague, CZ in July 2028.

The following ICMI General Assemblies were held so far:

Terms of Reference

(Seventh version, adopted in 2009)

Previous versions of the ICMI Terms of Reference were adopted in

These versions can also be found as pdf files on the ICMI history website.

Election Procedure

The current Procedures for the Election of the ICMI Executive Committee have been adopted by the General Assembly of the International Mathematical Union held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 19-20, 2006.

ICMI Activity and Finance Reports

Annual Reports to the International Mathematical Union and the ICMI General Assembly

ICMI Activity and Financial Reports (2010-2015)

ICMI Reports on Activities (2004-2012)

ICMI Financial Reports (2004-2011)