This page contains all the Discussion Documents released to stimulate the discussion around the theme of the ICMI Study. All ICMI Studies begin with the production of a Discussion Document in which a number of key issues and sub-themes related to the theme of the Study are identified and described in a preliminary manner. The Discussion Document is widely disseminated internationally to solicit papers from the field.
Twenty-two ICMI Studies have been completed up to now. Two more Studies are in the process.
- The Influence of Computers and Informatics on Mathematics and its Teaching.
Co-chairs of the International Programme Committee: Geoffrey Howson (UK) and Jean-Pierre Kahane (France).
Discussion document (1985)
- School Mathematics in the 1990s.
No Discussion document.
- Mathematics as a Service Subject.
Co-chairs of the International Programme Committee: Geoffrey Howson (UK) and Jean-Pierre Kahane (France).
Discussion document (1987)
- Mathematics and Cognition.
No Discussion document.
- The Popularization of Mathematics.
Co-chairs of the International Programme Committee: Geoffrey Howson (UK) and Jean-Pierre Kahane (France).
Discussion document (1989).
- Assessment in Mathematics Education.
Chair of the International Programme Committee: Mogens Niss (Denmark).
Discussion document (1991)
- Gender and Mathematics Education.
Chair of the International Programme Committee: Gila Hanna (Canada).
Discussion document (1993).
- What is Research in Mathematics Education and What are its Results?
Co-chairs of the International Programme Committee: Jeremy Kilpatrick (USA) and Anna Sierpinska (Canada).
Discussion document (1994)
- Perspectives on the Teaching of Geometry for the 21st Century.
Chair of the International Programme Committee: Vinicio Villani (Italy).
Discussion document (1995)
- The Role of the History of Mathematics in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics.
Co-chairs of the International Programme Committee: John Fauvel (UK) and Jan van Maanen (Netherlands).
Discussion document (1998).
- The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at University Level.
Chair of the International Programme Committee: Derek Holton (New Zealand).
Discussion document (1998).
- The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra.
Chair of the International Programme Committee: Kaye Stacey (Australia).
Discussion document (2001).
- Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions: A Comparative Study of East Asia and the West.
Co-chairs of the International Programme Committee: Klaus-D. Graf (Germany) and Frederick K.S. Leung (Hong Kong).
Discussion document (2002).
- Applications and Modelling in Mathematics Education.
Chair of the International Programme Committee: Werner Blum (Germany).
Discussion document (2004).
- The Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics.
Co-chairs of the International Programme Committee: Ruhama Even (Israel) and Deborah Loewenberg Ball (USA).
Discussion document (2004).
- Challenging Mathematics in and Beyond the Classroom.
Co-chairs of the International Programme Committee: Edward J. Barbeau (Canada) and Peter J. Taylor (Australia).
Discussion document (August 2004): english version, spanish version, farsi version, french version.
- Digital Technologies and Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Rethinking the Terrain.
Co-chairs of the International Programme Committee: Celia Hoyles (UK) and Jean-Baptiste Lagrange (France).
Discussion document (2005).
- Statistics Education in School Mathematics: Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education.
Study organised jointly by ICMI and the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE).
Chair of the International Programme Committee: Carmen Batanero (Spain).
Discussion document (2006).
- Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education. The two co-chairs are Gila Hanna, University of Toronto, Canada, and Michael de Villiers, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Discussion Document (Dec 2007).
- Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry (EIMI). This Study is a joint project with the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM). The co-chairs of this 20th ICMI Study are Alain Damlamian (Université Paris XII, France) and Rudolf Sträßer (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany). José Francisco Rodrigues (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) is the organiser of the Study Conference.
Discussion Document (2009).
- Mathematics Education and Language Diversity
Discussion Document (2010).
- Task Design
The Study Chairs are Anne Watson and Minoru Ohtani.
Discussion document (2012).
- Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers
The Study Chairs are Mariolina Bussi and Sun Xuhua.
Discussion Document (2014)
- School Mathematics Curriculum Reforms: Challenges, Changes and Opportunities.
The Study chairs are Renuka Vithal and Yoshinori Shimizu.
Discussion Document (2017)