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ICMI EC 2017-2020

Jill Adler, President

Jill Adler.jpgHolds the SARChI Mathematics Education Chair at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), which focuses on research and development in secondary mathematics education. Jill has spearheaded several large-scale teacher development projects, the most recent, is called the Wits Maths Connect Secondary project. This work builds on her research on teaching in multilingual classrooms, and teacher professional development. Jill is a Visiting Professor of Mathematics Education at King’s College London, UK. She is the recipient of numerous awards, e.g. the 2012 Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) Gold Medal for Science in the Service of Society, and the 2015 Freudenthal Award. She served as ICMI Vice President during 2003-6 and 2007-9. 

Merrilyn Goos, Vice President

Goos.pngProfessor of STEM Education and Director EPI*STEM - National Centre for STEM Education at the University of Limerick, Ireland. Until October 2017 Merrilyn was Professor and Head of the School of Education at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Previously, Merrilyn taught mathematics education courses in the School’s pre-service teacher education programs, after having worked as a secondary school mathematics teacher. Her current research and professional interests lean towards collaboration across disciplinary boundaries, for example, by engaging with mathematicians in research projects, professional service activities, and PhD co-supervision, and by working with teachers in projects that deliver practical impacts as well as theoretical advances. She is the current Editor-in-Chief of Educational Studies in Mathematics.

Luis Radford, Vice President

Radford.pngProfessor of Mathematics Education at Laurentian University, in Sudbury Ontario, Canada. He is Director of École des science de l'éducation. He conducts classroom research with teachers from Kindergarten to Grade 12. His research interests include the development of algebraic thinking, the relationship between culture and thought, the epistemology of mathematics, and semiotics. He is currently working on the development of a cultural-historical theory of teaching and learning: the theory of objectification. He received the Laurentian University 2004-05 Research Excellence Award and the 2011 ICMI Hans Freudenthal Medal. 

Abraham Arcavi, Secretary General

20160731-ICME-13-CCH-Saal-1-10 copy.jpgProfessor of Mathematics Education at the Department of Science Teaching at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, where he holds the Lester B. Pearson Professorial Chair. He worked on integrating the history of mathematics for teacher professional development, curriculum development at the junior-high and high school levels, the teaching and learning of algebra and using video tapes of authentic mathematics lessons for teacher professional development. He has served as ICMI Secretary General during 2013-2016.

Jean-Luc Dorier, Member-at-large

JLD.jpgProfessor at Geneva University, Switzerland and Researcher in didactique des mathématiques for 30 years since the beginning of his PhD in 1986. His first position in France was as Maître de Conferences in 1991, and then as professor in 1999. His first important implication with ICMI activities was in 1997 when he became a member of the ICMI Study 10 on The Role of the History of Mathematics in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, which he organised in Marseilles. He took part in three ICMI studies, reactor to J. Kilpatrick’s lecture at the symposium for the 100th anniversary of ICMI in Rome in 2008. He participated in 5 ICMEs since ICME 7 in Québec in 1992. 

Zahra Gooya, Member-at-large

Gooya.pngProfessor of Mathematics Education at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.  Her Ph.D. is from University of British Columbia, and since then she has been working on mathematics curriculum and teacher preparation. She managed to convince policy makers, mathematicians and educationalists to establish the “Master of Mathematics Education” in Iran. She collaborates with the Ministries of Science, Research and Technology, and Education and  strongly believes in the collaboration between Math and Education and on international collaborations.  She participated in 6 ICMEs and 20 PMEs and this is her second term as member-at-large in the ICMI Executive Committee. 

Anita Rampal, Member-at-large

Rampal.pngProfessor and former Dean at the Faculty of Education, University of Delhi, India. She worked for the last four decades, towards better mathematics and science education in India – at different levels of policy, practice and research, leading the national curriculum revision process for all primary school subjects, as Chair of the Textbook Teams. Her research interests are in the areas of science learning, the language of science, adult numeracy, primary mathematics, assessment, mathematics teacher education and achievement and equity. She served as member of national and international committees and brings to ICMI experiences of working within diverse contexts in a developing country. 

Yuriko Yamamoto Baldin, Member-at-large

Yamamoto.pngSenior Professor of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil.  As mathematician, she currently works in Mathematics Education, especially in teaching, supervision of educational projects for prospective and in-service school teachers, development of teaching materials and curriculum for teacher education, special projects for the professional development of teachers, in collaboration with developing countries.  The main subjects of her investigation are the educational use of technology (CAS, DGS, hand-held technology), Lesson Study methodology, problem solving lessons, error analysis in teaching, learning and assessment of mathematics, and development of mathematical thinking. This is her second term as member-at-large in the ICMI Executive Committee. 

Binyan Xu, Member-at-large

Xu.pngProfessor of Mathematics Education in the East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. Her research focuses on mathematics learning and teaching on the primary and lower secondary school level, especially from the perspective of science of learning, and design of mathematics projects. She is the principal investigator of several national key projects, such as “Learning Culture within Mathematics Teaching” and “Model of Core Competencies in School Mathematics (CCSM) and its Assessment Framework”. She was selected as a member of the Female Mathematician Association in China. In the past a few years, she has actively involved in ICMI work, as an IPC member for ICME-13, and will serve as a co-chair of the Local Organizing Committee for ICME-14 in Shanghai. 

Ferdinando Arzarello, Ex officio Member (ICMI President 2013-2016)

FA 2016 copyright ICMI_Photographer Thomas Panzau.jpgProfessor of Elementary Mathematics from a Higher Standpoint at Turin University, President of ICMI (2013 – 2016), President of ERME (2009 – 2013); Member of PME IC (2004 – 2009). His main area of research is Mathematics Education, more precisely: the learning of pre-algebra and algebra, geometry, and calculus in technological environments; embodiment and gestures in mathematics; curricular design and theoretical frameworks for learning and teaching. In the last two decades he has authored more than 150 publications, mainly in international Journals or Volumes.

Carlos E. Kenig, Ex officio Member (IMU President)

Kenig was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1953. He obtained his PhD at the University of Chicago in 1978. After being an instructor at Princeton University and a professor at the University of Minnesota, Kenig returned to the University of Chicago in 1985. Kenig was awarded the Salem Prize in 1984 and the Bocher Prize of the American Mathematical Society in 2008. He was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1986 and 2002 and a plenary speaker in 2010. In 2017 Kenig delivered the American Mathematical Society’s Colloquium lectures. Kenig is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the American Mathematical Society. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a past vice-president of the American Mathematical Society. Kenig is the President of the IMU, 2019-2022.

Helge Holden, Ex officio Member (IMU Secretary General)

622A8996.jpgSecretary General of the International Mathematical Union since 2015. He holds a PhD from the University of Oslo (1985), and has been a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology since 1991. He is working on nonlinear partial differential equations, including both deterministic and stochastic equations. He served as President of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry in 2004–2006, and as Secretary and Vice President of the European Mathematical Society in 2003–2006 and 2007–2010, respectively. 

Paolo Piccione, ICMI-IMU Liaison (elected by the IMU EC)

Professor at the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, since 1996. He obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics at the Università La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, and his Ph.D. in Mathematics from The Pennsylvania State University, USA. Specialist in Global Analysis on Manifolds, including Riemannian and semi-Riemannian variational problems. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he is currently President of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, and member of the IMU Executive Committee.