The ICMI Secretary General and ICMI President on behalf of the ICMI EC and ICMI community have thanked the ICME 13 organisers for a wonderful conference during the ICME 13 closing ceremony.
About 3500 participants from 105 countries participated in the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, which took place from 24-31 July 2016 in Hamburg at the University of Hamburg and Hamburg Congress Centre, making it to the biggest congress in world congress series so far. ICME-13 was hosted by the Society of Didactics of Mathematics (Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik - GDM) and took place under the auspices of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI).
At the Opening Ceremony five ICMI awards were presented to Michèle Artigue and Alan Bishop (Felix Klein Award), Jill Adler and Frederick Leung (Hans Freudenthal Award), Hugh Burkhardt and Malcolm Swan (Emma Castelnuovo Award).
The heart of the congress formed 54 Topic Study Groups, devoted to major themes of mathematics education, in which about 745 presentations were given. In attached oral communications around 931 shorter papers were presented, complemented by 533 posters being presented in two sessions. Furthermore, a big variety of other activities took place such as two plenary panels, four plenary lectures and 64 invited lectures. Initiated by congress participants, 38 discussion groups and 42 workshops were offered. Reflecting specific ICMI traditions five ICMI Survey Teams describing the state-of-the-art on their theme and three ICMI studies were presented in addition to six national presentations. Additionally a thematic afternoon was carried out devoted describing the development in the last 40 years under a European and a historical perspective. The presentations centred on European didactic traditions, German- speaking traditions in Mathematics Education Research and the legacy of Felix Klein.
About 230 scholars from less-affluent countries could be supported by the solidarity grant spending a considerable amount of the congress budget. Before the congress an Early Career Researcher Day was offered tackling specific themes for this group. 450 early career researchers participated in this congress and made it to a specific asset of ICME-13.
ICME-13 was closed by Abraham Arcavi followed by a presentation and invitation by the next ICME orgainsers: ICME 14 in Shanghai, China.