HPM is the International Study Group on the Relations between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics, affiliated to the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI).
By combining the history of mathematics with the teaching and learning of mathematics, HPM is the link between the past and the future of mathematics. The HPM Study Group aims to investigate different conceptions and views of mathematics. Its members study different eras, mathematicians, regional and national mathematical schools, mathematical textbooks, and many other topics from the rich history of mathematics. They seek to connect the history of mathematics as a discipline, its roles in education, and the roles that it continues to have in developing mathematical instruction and the curricula around the globe.
Among the members of this group we find researchers in mathematics education, mathematicians, historians of mathematics, teachers of mathematics and curriculum developers.
The HPM Group has a chair appointed every four years, an advisory board of scholars and teachers from around the globe, and an executive board which works more closely with the group’s chair.
For more information on activities and publications please consult the HPM Newsletter, available on the HPM website https://hpm.sites.uu.nl. The newsletter co-editors are Snezana Lawrence, Gail FitSimons, Helder Pinto, and Luis Puig. The newsletters are published online in March, July, and November every year.
Chair for 2020-2024 is Snezana Lawrance, UK.
The Executive Group consists of
Évelyne Barbin, France
Ewa Łakoma, Poland
Frédéric Métin, France
Luis Puig, Spain
Michael N Fried, Israel
Advisory Group of HPM consists of
Adriano Demattè, Italy
Aline Bernardes, Brasil
Antonio M. Oller-Marcén, Spain
Bjørn Smestad, Norway
Caterina Vicentini, Italy
Cecilia Costa, Portugal
Constantinos Tzanakis, Greece
Danny Otero, USA
David Guillemette, Canada
David Pengelley, USA
Desiree van den Bogaart, Netherlands
Dominic Klyve, USA
Évelyne Barbin, France
Ewa Łakoma, Poland
Florence Fasanelli, USA
Frédéric Métin, France
Gail FitSimons, Australia
Garrod Musto, UK
Gert Schubring, Germany
Greisy Winicki Landman, USA
Helder Pinto, Portugal
Iran Mendes, Brasil
Isoda Masami, Japan
Janet Barnett, USA
Johan Prytz, Sweden
Johanna Pejlare, Sweden
Kostas Nikolantonakis, Greece
Leo Rogers, UK
Luis Carlos Arboleda, Colombia
Luis Puig, Spain
Man Keung Siu, China
Marc Moyon, France
Maria Rosa Massa, Spain
Maurice OReilly, Ireland
Michael N Fried, Israel
Nathalie Chevalarias, France
Olivera Đokić, Serbia
Peter Ransom, UK
Po-Hung Liu, Taiwan
Renaud Chorlay, France
Sebastian Schorcht, Germany
Sunwook Hwang, Korea
Teresa Costa, Portugal
Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen, Denmark
Tsang-Yi Lin, Taiwan Uffe
Thomas Jankvist, Denmark
Yi-Wen Su, Taiwan
Ysette Weiss, Germany
Honorary Members
Abdellah El Idrissi
Abraham Arcavi
Anjing Qu
Chris Weeks
Fulvia Furinghetti
George Booker
Hans Niels Jahnke
Kathleen M. Clark
Kristín Bjarnadóttir
Luis Radford
Manfred Kronfellner
Robert Stein
Ubiratan D' Ambrosio
Victor Katz
Wann-Sheng Horng
To get in touch please email the Chair (snezana@mathsisgoodforyou.com)