Credits : All modules are presented by Claire Margolinas (Clermont-Auvergne University) and Annie Bessot (grenoble-Alpes University), except Module 0 by Jean-Luc Dorier (University of Geneva). All videos are produced by IPPA (Clermont-Auvergne University)
Official citation for the 2003 Felix Klein ICMI Award
Gibel, P., Salin, M.H. (réalisateurs). (2016). Entretien avec Guy et Nadine Brousseau [film réalisé pour la Commission Française pour l'Enseignement des Mathématiques]. Interview with Guy and Nadine Brousseau made in the context of the presentation of the French tradition in didactics of mathematics, supervised by Michèle Artigue for ICME-13, in July 2016 in Hamburg (Germany).
Claire Margolinas and Annie Bessot, have worked within the theoretical framework of the Theory of didactical situations in mathematics and they have a deep understanding of Brousseau’s works. They have been faced with the very difficult task of selecting some aspects of Brousseau’s work. This selection was necessary because Brousseau’s work is very subtle and has many aspects.
This first module is devoted to the introduction of the principles of Brousseau’s theory: didactics of mathematics as a field of theoretical and experimental scientific research, in relation to engineering as a “phenomenotechnique”.
Guy Brousseau's website:
Brousseau G. (2003). Glossary :
Artigue M. (2017). In J. Gascón and P. Nicolás: Can didactics say how to teach? For the Learning of Mathematics, 37, 3.
Bachelard G. (1965). L’activité rationaliste de la physique contemporaine. Paris : PUF.
Bessot A. (2011). L’ingénierie didactique au cœur de la théorie des situations. In C. Margolinas et al. (coordonnés par) En amont et en aval des ingénieries didactiques. Grenoble : La Pensée Sauvage.
Brousseau, G. (1975). Exposé. Colloque « L’analyse de la didactique des mathématiques ». Bordeaux : IREM de Bordeaux.
Brousseau G. (2002). Theory of didactical situations in mathematics. Didactique des mathématiques, 1970 - 1990. Kluwer Academic Publishers : Dordrecht / Boston / London.
Brousseau, G. (2004). Felix Klein Medallist : Research in mathematics education. In M. Niss (Éd.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress on Mathematical Education (pp. 244‑254). IMFUFA, Roskilde University.
Brousseau G. (2010). Le cours de Sao Paolo (2009):
Brousseau G. (2011). Notes on the observation of classroom practices (V. Warfield, Trad.).
International Council for Science (ICSU) (2004) Annual report.
Perrin-Glorian, M.-J. (1994). Théorie des situations didactiques : naissance, développements, perspectives. In M. Artigue, R. Gras, C. Laborde, P. Tavignot, (Eds.), Vingt ans de didactique des mathématiques en France (pp. 97-147). Grenoble : La Pensée Sauvage.
This second module is devoted to one of the most important concepts of the Theory of mathematical situations, namely the dual aspect of knowledge: situational knowledge (“connaissance” in French) and institutional knowledge (“savoir” in French). This module is the basis for the other modules and can be considered as an introduction.
In this module, we also introduce the situation of “cars and garages”, an example that will be developed in the following modules.
Brousseau, G., Brousseau, N., & Warfield, G. (2014). Teaching Fractions through Situations : A Fundamental Experiment. Springer.
Margolinas, C. (2014). Connaissance et savoir. Concepts didactiques et perspectives sociologiques ? Revue Française de Pédagogie, 188, 13-22.
This third module is dedicated to the characterization of mathematical situations. We consider Brousseau’s question: “Why studying situations if what is at stake is to acquire institutional knowledge?”
This module includes the distinction made by Brousseau between ‘problem’ and ‘situation”. The situation of the “race to twenty” is introduced as an example that will be developed in some following modules. We introduce the properties and components of mathematical situations: milieu, stake and action situation as a general model.
Brousseau G. (1997). Theory of didactical situations in mathematics. Didactique des mathématiques, 1970 - 1990. Kluwer Academic Publishers : Dordrecht / Boston / London.
Brousseau G. (2010). Le cours de Sao Paolo (2009)
This fourth module is dedicated to the concept of action situation, including milieu, stake and situational knowledge studying the “cars and garages” situation introduced in module 2. We develop the first status of knowledge: situational knowledge in action situation.
Brousseau, G. (1972). Processus de mathématisation. In La mathématique à l’Ecole Elémentaire (p. 428-442). APMEP.
Briand, J., Loubet, M., & Salin, M.-H. (2004). Apprentissages mathématiques en maternelle. Hatier.
Margolinas, C., & Wozniak, F. (2012). Le nombre à l’école maternelle. Une approche didactique. De Boeck.
This fifth module is dedicated to the concept of formulation situation.
Implicit situational knowledge has been recognized as useful for action. In order to produce and use a formulation, one has to encounter a new situation during which formulation is necessary. The status of the situational knowledge changes when some aspects of knowledge are formulated, as we will explain it in this module.
Brousseau, G. (1997). Theory of didactical situations in mathematics. Didactique des mathématiques, 1970 - 1990. Kluwer Academic Publishers : Dordrecht / Boston / London.
Briand, J., Loubet, M. & Salin, M.-H. (2004). Apprentissages mathématiques en maternelle. Paris : Hatier.
This sixth module is dedicated to the concept of validation situation.
Implicit situational knowledge and explicitly formulated situational knowledge has been encountered in the previous situations. However, in mathematics, validation is an essential dimension: formulations have to become statements and then conjectures, which then have to resist to contradiction, in order to be validated. We thus explore the conditions and constraints of the validation situations.
Brousseau, G. (1997). Theory of didactical situations in mathematics. Didactique des mathématiques, 1970 - 1990. Kluwer Academic Publishers : Dordrecht / Boston / London.
Margolinas, C. (1993). De l’importance du vrai et du faux dans la classe de mathématiques. Grenoble : La pensée sauvage.
Margolinas, C. (2009). La importancia de lo Verdadero y de lo Falso en la clase de matemàtematicas (J. E. Fiallo Leal, Éd.). Ediciones Universidad Industrial de Santander.
In this module and the following three, we present a very important concept of Theory of Mathematical Situations, i.e. the notion of fundamental situation. This concept is characteristic of the epistemological point of view. We first synthesize the previous modules in order to introduce the concept of fundamental situation. Looking for a fundamental situation mainly means seeking how controlling, from an epistemological point of view, that there is a necessity to consider some meanings of an institutional knowledge as different.
Brousseau G. (2010) De l’art d’enseigner à l’étude des situations . Le cours 2010. (see also
Powerpoint presenattion of the the race to 20
Brousseau G. (2005) Situations fondamentales et processus génétiques de la statistique. In Mercier A. et Margolinas C. (coordonné par) Balises en didactique des Mathématiques, cours de la XIIe école d’été de DDM. La Pensée Sauvage : Grenoble. 165-194
AMOR Yves Chevallard unit. Module 2 Didactic transposition: a tool for analysis.
We chose to start with natural numbers for a number of reasons: consistency with axiomatics within mathematics, convergence with anthropology... human history and psychogenetic development... Hence our first question is to find what could be a fundamental situation for natural numbers.
We are looking for a situation that can generate at least the two basic meanings of natural number, i.e. cardinal and ordinal. The question thus becomes two folded. We will only examine the first here: is there a fundamental situation for the "cardinal" meaning of natural numbers?
Briand, J., Loubet, M., & Salin, M.-H. (2004). Apprentissages mathématiques en maternelle. Paris: Hatier.
Margolinas, C., & Wozniak, F. (2012). Le nombre à l’école maternelle. Une approche didactique. De Boeck.
Here, we examine the second question: Is there a fundamental situation for the "ordinal" meaning of natural numbers?
Margolinas, C., & Wozniak, F. (2014). Early construction of number as position with young children : A teaching experiment. ZDM - The International Journal of Mathematics Education, 46(1), 29‑44.
We continue our search for a fundamental situation for numbers by briefly mentioning the didactic engineering emblematic of Guy and Nadine Brousseau's work on rational numbers and decimals.
Brousseau G. (1981). Problèmes de didactique des décimaux : deuxième partie. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 2(1),. La Pensée Sauvage. 37–127.
Brousseau G., Brousseau N. (1987). Rationnels et décimaux dans la scolarité obligatoire. IREM de Bordeaux.
Brousseau, G., Brousseau, N., & Warfield, V. (2004). Rationals and decimals as required in the school curriculum. Part 1 : Rationals as measurement. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 23(1), 1-20.
Brousseau, G., Brousseau, N., & Warfield, V. (2007). Rationals and decimals as required in the school curriculum : Part 2 : From rationals to decimals. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 26(4), 281‑300.
Brousseau, G., Brousseau, N., & Warfield, V. (2008). Rationals and decimals as required in the school curriculum : Part 3. Rationals and decimals as linear functions. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 27(3), 153‑176.
Brousseau, G., Brousseau, N., & Warfield, V. (2009). Rationals and decimals as required in the school curriculum : Part 4 : Problem solving, composed mappings and division. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 28(2‑3), 79‑118.
Brousseau G., Brousseau N., Warfield V. (2014). Teaching Fractions through Situations: A Fundamental Experiment. Springer.
Ratsimba-Rajohn, H. (1982). Eléments d’étude de deux méthodes de mesures rationnelles. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 3(1), 65‑113.
To conclude this unit, in this module we establish a link between the theory of mathematical situations and the theory of didactic situations in mathematics within the theory of situations.
Bessot A. (2024). Introduction to the theory of situations: Fundamental Concepts of the Didactics of Mathematics. for the original in French for the German translation for the Italian translation for the Spanish translation
Guy Brousseau's website:
Brousseau G. (1978). Monographie d’un enfant en difficulté, l’enfant Gaël.
Brousseau, G. (1980). L’échec et le contrat. La politique de l’ignorance. Mathématiques enseignement et société, Recherches, 41,177‑182
Brousseau, G., & Warfield, V. M. (1999). The Case of Gaël. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 18(1), 7‑52.
(Brousseau (Mexico) 2000, p. 24)
L’échec et le contrat :
Brousseau G. (1999) Education et didactique des mathématiques. Educacion y didactica de las matematicas, Mexique.
Brousseau, G. (2000) Education et Didactique des mathématiques. Version française de l’auteur. Educaciòn matemàtica, v. 12, n. 1. 5–39.
Brousseau G. (2002). Theory of didactical situations in mathematics. Didactique des mathématiques, 1970 - 1990. Kluwer Academic Publishers : Dordrecht / Boston / London.
Brousseau G. (2010) Les situations mathématiques : propriétés et composantes. Diaporama: cours de Sao Paolo.
Margolinas C. (2005). Essai de généalogie en didactique des mathématiques. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften (Revue Suisse des Sciences de l'Education). 27(3). 343-360.
Margolinas C. (2014). Construire des points de vue d’élèves : des défis théoriques et méthodologiques pour la recherche en didactique des mathématiques.
Chaachoua, H., Bessot, A. et al. (dir.) (2021). Nouvelles perspectives en didactique : le point de vue de l’élève, questions curriculaires, grandeur et mesure. La pensée sauvage : Grenoble. 19-47.
Margolinas C. (2015). Exercices, problèmes, situations et tâches comme lieux de Rencontre. Revue des HEP et institutions assimilées de Suisse romande et du Tessin, 19. 31-49.