ADiMA (Association des Didacticiens des Mathématiques d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Nord, and in English the Western and North African Association for Researchers in Mathematics Education) was created as a regional network for mathematics education within Western and North Africa.
ADiMA aims to promote mathematics education in Western and North African countries, to meet the challenges facing the African continent in terms of research and to bring their communities closer together.
It emerged from the meeting of the first CANP – “Capacity and Networking Program in the Mathematical Sciences", a joint program of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) and the International Mathematical Union (IMU). CANP1 was held in September 2011 in Bamako, Mali, and brought together people involved in the training of teachers of mathematics from five French-speaking countries in sub-Saharan Africa (see here. These African countries already had prior contact through the ICMI Regional Conference L’Espace Mathématique Francophone (EMF) and participation in the international Francophone community through EMF’s three-yearly conferences (
The ICMI Executive Committee has approved in 2019 the application of ADiMA to become an ICMI Regional Affiliate Organization.
So far, ADiMA has held four regional meetings:
ADiMA 1 in Cameroon in August 2016
ADiMA 2 in Dangbo (Benin) in August 2018 (for further details, please see the November 2018 issue of the ICMI Newsletter .
ADiMA 3 in Tunisia in August 2022
ADiMa 4 in Morocco in May 2024 (May 20 to 24, 2024, at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Benguerir, Morocco).