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Interesting websites

Here we propose some websites that might interest the ICMI community. These links do not mean in any way an endorsement from ICMI of the content of the websites.


  • IMU - International Mathematical Union
  • ICSU - International Council for Science
  • ISI - International Statistical Institute
  • IASE - International Association for Statistical Education
  • ICIAM - International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • Women in Mathematics - This website provides information for and about women in mathematics. It has been created by the IMU Women in Maths Webpages Advisory Group under the oversight of the International Mathematical Union as a service to the international mathematical community.


  • CLAME - El Comité Latinoamericano de Matemática Educativa (Clame) nuclea investigadores e investigadoras, profesores y profesoras de reconocido nivel en el área de la Matemática Educativa de Latinoamérica.
  • AME - The Association of Mathematics Educators (Singapore) was formed in December 1994 as a professional association for mathematics teachers and other mathematics educators.
  • MED Matematik Egitimi Dernegi (Association for Mathematics Education). This association was established in 2012 and is working in the public interest the mathematics education to support and improve the quality of the scientific work of the community, to raise the rate of literacy, to develop standards and policies about the mathematics teaching profession, and increase social awareness on these issues. In addition, the Association of Mathematics Education aims to represent the field of mathematics education in Turkey at the international level.
  • WERA World Education Research Association is an association of major national, regional, and international specialty research associations dedicated to advancing education research as a scientific and scholarly field.


  • Nrich - Mathematics Enrichment
  • Mathematics of Planet Earth - Mathematics plays a key role in these and many other processes affecting Planet Earth, both as a fundamental discipline and as an essential component of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research. The Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) initiative resonates strongly with UNESCO’s work to promote the sciences and science education, especially through our International Basic Sciences Programme. Mathematics advances fundamental research and plays an important role in our daily lives. More than ever we need to develop relevant learning materials and to spark in every student, especially girls, a sense of joy in the wondrous universe of mathematics and the immense potential unleashed by this discipline. In this spirit, we commend this initiative and fully endorse the proposal to continue this programme beyond 2013.
  • ISLP - International Statistical Literacy Project - The main objective of the ISLP is to contribute to promoting statistical literacy across the world, among young and adults, in all walks of life.
  • - A tool to study math online. This page has been created by the nonprofit association Carpet Center - an organization that helps young people free to increase their understanding and their interest in mathematics.
  • Math Education Job Search Resources - This math education job resource site was developed in cooperation with the SIGMAA on RUME (The Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education).
  • (USA) - was created to give aspiring math teachers the tools they need to prepare for a career dedicated to preparing America’s youth for the global job market of the 21st century. This free and independent resource draws from state Departments of Education to provide step-by-step guides that detail the requirements to become a certified math teacher.

Individual initiatives