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Database Project Argentina

In Argentina there are orientations at the federal level called Núcleos de Aprendizaje Prioritarios (NAP) –Nuclei of Priority Learning. In the context of NAP –Mathematics and motivated by the challenges posed by the learning results over the years, in 2018 the Government provided some general recommendations written in Spanish.

Marco Nacional para la Mejora del Aprendizaje en Matemática

More particularly, each province can organize its own curriculum, with Primary and Secondary Education together always making a total of twelve school years.

For the case of Nivel Inicial –Initial Level, and the two first cycles of Nivel Primario –Primary Level, Language, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences are included in the same document.

Nivel Inicial
Nivel Primario –Primer Ciclo (Grades 1, 2, 3)
Nivel Primario –Segundo Ciclo (Grades 4, 5, 6)

For the case of Tercer Ciclo del Nivel Primario (Ciclo Básico de la Educación Secundaria) –Third Cycle of Primary Level (Basic Cycle of Secondary Education), there is one document for each area.

Nivel Primario –Tercer Ciclo (Grade 7)
Educación secundaria –Ciclo Básico (Year 1) (depending on the province)

There was no document for Ciclo Superior –Higher Cycle, but a recent reform of Secondary Education implied a number of curricular agreements at the federal level.

Educación Secundaria –Ciclo Básico (Years 1, 2; Years 2, 3) (depending on the province)
Educación Secundaria –Ciclo Orientado

Mónica Villarreal,
ICMI representative for Argentina
September 2021