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ICM Plenary and Invited Speakers

Last Name Sort descending First Name Year City Section/Speaker Type
Keisler H. Jerome 1970 Nice Plenary
Keller Bernard 2006 Madrid Algebra
Keller Joseph B. 1994 Zurich Plenary
Kemer Alexander R. 1990 Kyoto Algebra
Kempe A. 1904 Heidelberg Applied Mathematics
Kempf G. R. 1978 Helsinki Lie Groups
Kenderov Petar 2006 Madrid Mathematics Education and Popularization of Mathematics
Kenig C. E. 1986 Berkeley Real and Functional Analysis
Kenig Carlos 2010 Hyderabad Plenary
Kenig Carlos E. 2002 Beijing Real & Complex Analysis
Kennelly A.E. 1924 Toronto Engineering
Kenyon Richard 2018 Rio de Janeiro Probability and Statistics, Combinatorics
Kerckhoff S. P. 1983 Warszawa Topology
Kerékjártó B. de 1936 Oslo Geometry and Topology
Kérim A. 1928 Bologna Analysis
Kervaire M. A. 1962 Stockholm Topology & Differential Geometry
Kerz Moritz 2018 Rio de Janeiro Algebra
Kesten H. 1983 Warszawa Prob & math. stats.
Kesten Harry 1970 Nice Analysis
Kesten Harry 2002 Beijing Plenary
Keum JongHae 2018 Rio de Janeiro Algebraic and Complex Geometry
Keyser C.J. 1924 Toronto History, Philosophy, Didactics
Khachiyan L. G. 1983 Warszawa Combinatorics
Khanin Konstantin 2018 Rio de Janeiro Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics
Khare Chandrashekhar B. 2010 Hyderabad Number Theory