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ICM Plenary and Invited Speakers

Last Name Sort descending First Name Year City Section/Speaker Type
Chemla Karine 1998 Berlin History of Mathematics
Chen Jungkai 2018 Rio de Janeiro Algebraic and Complex Geometry
Chen Meng 2018 Rio de Janeiro Algebraic and Complex Geometry
Chen Mu-Fa 2002 Beijing Prob & Stats
Chen Shuxing 2010 Hyderabad Partial Differential Equations
Chen Xiuxioung 2002 Beijing Differential Geometry
Chen Zhiming 2006 Madrid Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Chenciner A. 2002 Beijing Ordinary Differential Equations & Dynamical Systems
Cheney E. W. 1974 Vancouver Numerical Mathematics
Cheng Chong-Qing 2010 Hyderabad Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations
Cheng Shiu-Yuen 1983 Warszawa Geometry
Cheng Shiu-Yuen 2006 Madrid Mathematics Education and Popularization of Mathematics
Cherednik Ivan 1998 Berlin Lie Groups
Cheritat Arnaud 2010 Hyderabad Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations
Cherlin G. L. 1983 Warszawa Mathematical logic & foundations of mathematics
Chern S. S. 1950 Cambridge (USA) Plenary
Chern S. S. 1958 Edinburgh Algebraic & Differential Geometry
Chern Shiing-Shen 1970 Nice Plenary
Cherubino S. 1928 Bologna Analysis
Chevalley C. 1958 Edinburgh Plenary
Chibisov D. M. 1983 Warszawa Prob & math. stats.
Chierchia Luigi 2014 Seoul Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations
Chistov Alexandre L. 1990 Kyoto Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science
Choquet G. 1962 Stockholm Analysis
Choquet-Bruhat Yvonne 2006 Madrid ICM Emmy Noether Lecture