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Contrary to past ICME practice, Discussion Groups for ICME-12 will be created in response to a proposal submitted by a group of up to five persons representing a diverse region of the world.
As their name suggests, Discussion Groups (DGs) are designed to gather Congress participants who are interested in discussing, in a genuinely interactive way, certain challenging, controversial or emerging issues and dilemmas of interest to an international or regional audience. The focus of DGs should be distinct from the subjects covered in the Topic Study Groups (TSG) (see Topic Study Groups for a listing of the TSGs for ICME 12) but could discuss a specific issue in greater detail than that of a TSG.  Each DG will be allocated two time slots of 90 minutes each during the Congress. 

A proposal should include

  1. Description of the background and expertise of the proposed organizers
  2. Detailed description of the topic including anticipated aims and a rationale for the topic
  3. Key questions and issues for the DG to consider
  4. A precise description of the anticipated structure that will be used to manage the discussion during the two sessions, taking into account there will be no oral presentations in a DG except introductions by the organizers of the group to provide the background and framework for the discussion.

DG proposal submission is now available! Please refer to an Application form on Proposal & Paper Submissions. Members of the organizing team must conform to the ICME custom that a person may only play one major (TSG Co-Chairs, DG Co-Chairs, Survey Team, Plenary Panel, Plenary lecture and Regular lecture)and one minor role(poster presentation & other forms of contribution to the scientific program) at ICME. Note that proposing a DG will be considered a major role. Proposals should be received by the International Program Committee (IPC) by June 30, 2011. Proposals will be reviewed in accordance to the relevance of the topic to an international audience, the diversity and expertise of the proposed organizing team, and the format proposed for the discussion. Proposers will be notified of acceptance by August 15, 2011.

Tasks for Organizing Teams (OT)
The OT will be expected to:

  1. Set up and maintain the DG web page
    Before the congress, the discussion group organizing team will post their page at the ICME-12 web site (http://icme12.org) including contributions that define, limit, and/or present basic premises, theoretical considerations, research findings, viewpoints and facts that should be accounted for if a fruitful discussion is to be attained. Prior to the congress, participants can send individual contributions to the organizers for consideration as additional background information and may raise questions or participate in an exchange of ideas through the web site.  
  2. Produce a progress report by December 30, 2011
  3. Submit a final version of the DG presentation to be included in the Final program booklet. The  final version must be sent to the Local Organizing Committee by April 10th, 2012. This description for the Final Program booklet should be between one and two pages (700 to 1,400 words) with the following:
    a) Name of DG and composition of the organizing team 
    b) General description of the program for this DG; that is the aims, scope, list of main questions it addresses, the rationale which guided the OT in arriving at the program, and so on.
    c) The program of the DG, that is, the manner in which the discussion is organized and distributed in the two sessions.

    ● Download Final Paper Template

  4. Organize and manage the DG sessions during the Congress
  5. Produce a final report for the ICME-12 Proceedings
  6. Deadline summary:
    June 30, 2011 Proposal submission
    August 15, 2011 Notification of acceptance
    December 30, 2011 Progress report
    April 10, 2012 On-line submission of final version of the DG program.

An IPC liaison will be appointed for each DG. The role of the IPC liaison officer is to support and be an important resource on how a DG works. Another source for information and guidance in planning a DG are the websites of recent ICMEs (see www.icme11.org and www.icme10.dk).

Thank you for your willingness to contribute to the success of ICME-12. We are looking forward to an energetic exchange of ideas and information through the Discussion Groups.

DG 1: Current problems and challenges in Non-university Tertiary Mathematics Education (NTME)

Co-Chairs :
James Roznowsk(USA) jimroznowski@amatyc.org
Low-Ee Huei Wuan (Singapore) lowhw@sp.edu.sg
Team Members :
Vilma Mesa (USA) vmesa@umich.edu
Steve Krevisky (USA) skrevisky@mxcc.commnet.edu
Auxencia Limjap (Philippines) auxencia.limjap@dlsu.edu.ph
Liaison IPC Member :
Johann Engelbrecht johann.engelbrecht@up.ac.za

DG 2: Creativity in Mathematics Education

Co-Chairs :
Emiliya Velikova (Bulgaria) evelikova@uni-ruse.bg
Vince Matsko (USA) vince.matsko@gmail.com
Team Members :
Hartwig Meissner (Germany) meissne@uni-muenster.de
Jong Sool Choi (South Korea) choijon@kaist.ac.kr
Mark Applebaum (Israel) mark@Kaye.ac.il
Ban Har Yeap (Singapore) banhar.yeap@pathlight.org.sg
Liaison IPC Member :
Bernard Hodgson (Canada) bhodgson@mat.ulaval.ca

DG 3: Issues Surrounding Teaching Linear Algebra

Co-chairs :
Avi Berman (Israel) berman@technion.ac.il
Kazuyoshi Okubo (Japan) okubo.kazuyoshi@s.hokkyodai.ac.jp
Team Members :
Steven Leon (USA) sleon@umassd.edu
Sepideh Stewart (New Zealand) stewart@math.auckland.ac.nz
Sang-Gu Lee (Korea) sglee@skku.edu
David Strong (USA) David.Strong@pepperdine.edu
Liaison IPC Member :
K.(Ravi) Subramaniam subra@hbcse.tifr.res.in

DG 4: The Evolvement of Mathematics Teachers' Community-of-Practice

Co-chairs :
Nitsa Movshovitz-Hadar (Israel) nitsa@technion.ac.il
Atara Shriki (Israel) Shriki@technion.ac.il
Team Members :
Jiansheng Bao (China) jsbao@math.ecnu.edu.cn
Barbara Clarke (Australia) barbara.clarke@monash.edu
Diane Resek (USA) resek@sfsu.edu
Liaison IPC Member :

DG 5: Uses of History of Mathematics in School (pupils aged 6 - 13)

Co-Chairs :
Bjørn Smestad (Norway) bjorn.smestad@lui.hio.no
Funda Gonulates (USA/Turkey) fgonulates@gmail.com
Team Members :
Narges Assarzadegan Iran narges.assarzadegan@ gmail.com
Kathleen Clark USA kclark@fsu.edu
Konstantinos Nikolantonakis Greece nikolantonakis@noesis.edu.gr
Liaison IPC Member :
Evelyne Barbin evelyne.barbin@wanadoo.fr

DG 6: Postmodern Mathematics

Co-Chairs :
Paul Ernest (UK) p.ernest@ex.ac.uk
Regina Möller (Germany) regina.moeller@uni-erfurt.de
Team Members :
Ubiratan D’Ambrosio (Brazil) ubi@usp.br
Allan Tarp (Denmark) Allan.Tarp@MATHeCADEMY.net
Sencer Corlu (USA) sencer@tamu.edu
Extra Members :
Gelsa Knijni (Brazil) gelsak@uol.com.br
Maria Nilokakaki(Greece) mnikolak@yahoo.gr
Liaison IPC Member :

DG 7: Improving Teacher Professional Development Through Lesson Study

Co-Chairs :
Toshiakira Fujii Japan tfujii@u-gakugei.ac.jp
Akihiko Takahashi USA atakahas@depaul.edu
Team Members :
Susie Groves Australia susie.groves@deakin.edu.au
Nina Boswinkel Netherlands n.boswinkel@slo.nl
Yo-An Lee South Korea Sogang University yoanlee@sogang.ac.kr
Liaison IPC Member :
Mercy Kazima(Malawi) mkazima@chanco.unima.mw

DG 8: Theory and Perspective of Mathematics Learning and Teaching from the Asian Regions

Co-Chairs :
Chun Chor Litwin Cheng (Hong Kong) Cccheng2ied.edu.hk
Hong, Zhang(China) China g6@163.com
Team Members :
Eunmi, Choi Korea emc@hnu.kr
Po-Hung Liu (Taiwan) liuph@ncut.edu.tw
Lianghuo Fan (China) L.Fan@soton.
Liaison IPC Member :

DG 9: Using Technology to Integrate Geometry and Algebra in the Study of Functions

Co-Chairs :
Scott Steketee (USA) stek@kcptech.com
Cheah Ui Hock (Malaysia) uhcheah@recsam.edu.my
Team Members :
Ang Keng Cheng(Singapore) kengcheng.ang@nie.edu.sg
Aleksandra Cizmesija (Croatia) cizmesij@math.hr
Ali Delice (Turkey) alimdelice@yahoo.co.uk
Liaison IPC Member :
Hee Chan Lew hclew@knue.ac.kr

DG 10: New Challenges in Developing Dynamic Software for Teaching and Learning Mathematics

Co-Chairs :
Zsolt Lavicza UK zl221@cam.ac.uk
Markus Hohenwarter (Austria) markus.hohenwarter@jku.at
Team Members :
Adrian Oldknow (UK) aoldknow@yahoo.co.uk
Tolga Kabaca (Turkey) tolgakabaca@gmail.com
Kyeong Choi (Korea) mathcare@gmail.com
Liaison IPC Member :

DG 11: Mathematics Teacher Retention

Co-Chairs :
Axelle Faughn (USA/NC) afaughn@email.wcu.edu
Barbara Pence (USA/CA) Barbara.Pence@sjsu.edu
Team Members :
Mellony Graven (South Africa) m.graven@ru.ac.za
Glenda Anthony (New Zealand) G.J.Anthony@massey.ac.nz
Claire Vaugelade Berg (Norway) claire.v.berg@uia.no
Liaison IPC Member :
Oh Nam Kwon onkwon@snu.ac.kr

DG 12: Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Knowledge for Teaching

Co-Chairs :
Kim Beswick(Australia) kim.beswick@utas.edu.au
Olive Chapman(Canada) chapman@ucalgary.ca
Team Members :
Merrilyn Goos(Australia) m.goos@uq.edu.au
Orit Zaslavsky(USA) oz2@nyu.edu
Liaison IPC Member :
Gail Burrill burrill@msu.edu

DG 13: The Role of Mathematics Education in Helping to Produce a Data Literate Society

Co-Chairs :
William Finzer USA bfinzer@kcptech.com
Cliff Konold USA konold@srri.umass.edu
Team Members :
Maxine Pfannkuch New Zealand pfannkuc@math.auckland.ac.nz
Michiko Watanabe Japan watanabe_michiko@nifty.com
Yuan Zhiqiang China zhqyuan@gmail.com
Liaison IPC Member :

DG 14: Mathematical Modeling in Connecting Concepts to Real World Application

Co-Chairs :
Zhonghe Wu(USA) zwu@nu.edu
Lijun Ye(China) yeatsylj@126.com
Team Member :
Shuhua An(USA) san@csulb.edu
Zhongxiong Fan(China) zhongxiongfan@163.com
Ling Wang(China) qiaosuanmei@126.com
Liaison IPC Member :
Morten Blomhoej morten@ruc.dk

DG15: Mathematics and Culture in Micronesia: An exploration of the mathematical aspects of indigenous practices

Co-Chairs :
A. J. (Sandy) Dawson(USA) dawsona@hawaii.edu
Donald Rubinstein(Guam) rubinste@uguam.uog.edu
Team Member :
Joseph Zilliox(USA) zilliox@hawaii.edu
Neil Pateman(USA) pateman@hawaii.edu
Liaison IPC Member :

DG16: Can art save mathematics?

Co-Chairs :
Dirk Huylebrouck Belgium Huylebrouck@gmail.com
Slavik Jablan(Serbia) sjablan@gmail.com
Team Members :
Jin-Ho Park(Korea) jinhopark@inha.ac.kr
Rinus Roelofs(The Netherlands) rinus@rinusroelofs.nl
Radmila Sazdanovic(USA) radmilas@gmail.com
Liaison IPC Member :
Jaime CARVALHO E SILVA jaimecs@mat.uc.pt

DG17: Teaching of Problem Solving in School Mathematics Classrooms

Co-Chairs :
LEONG Yew Hoong(Singapore) yewhoong.leong@nie.edu.sg
Rungfa JANJARUPORN(Thailand) rungfajan@yahoo.com
Team Members :
Tomas ZDRAHAL(Czech Republic) zdrahal.tomas@gmail.com
QUEK Khiok Seng(Singapore) khiokseng.quek@nie.edu.sg
HO Foo Him(Singapore) foohim.ho@nie.edu.sg
Liaison IPC Member :
Masataka Koyama mkoyama@hiroshima-u.ac.jp


Local Organizing Committee
The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Korea National Univ. of Education Gangnae-myeon, Cheongwon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-Do (363-791), Rep of KOREA
Tel. +82-2-576-9945 / Email. icme12@icme12.org

단체명: 제12차 국제수학교육대회조직위원회 / 공동대표: 류희찬, 신현용 / 고유번호: 317-82-63777 / 개인정보관리책임자: 임유선
소재지: 충청북도 청원군 강내면 다락리 산7 한국교원대 / 대표전화: 02-576-9945 / 이메일: icme12@icme12.org