Best 100 of Seoul    
On behalf of the organizing bodies for the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education(ICME-12), the International Programme Committee(IPC), the Local Organizing Committee(LOC), and National Advisory Committee(NAC), I cordially invite all the readers of this Third Announcement to participate in the ICME-12 to be held in Seoul from July 8th to 15th, 2012. The Congress is to be held under the auspices of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction(ICMI).

The IPC, comprised of 22 members from 18 countries, has put together a rich, varied and multi-faceted scientific programme for the Congress with the aim of attracting and addressing the entire community of researchers and pioneers of mathematics education all over the world. The programme will provide food for thought and inspiration for practice for all, from established mathematics educators of world renown to novices in the field attending their first ICME, and everyone else with interest in mathematics education. Through Plenary Activities, Regular Lectures, Survey Teams, Topic Study Groups, Discussion Groups, and other activities, the state of the art in mathematics education research and the practice of mathematics teaching and learning will be examined and demonstrated from international perspectives.

The LOC is comprised of four subcommittees for planning, financing, administrating and advertising the event, as well as monitoring various emerging issues. All these sub-committees have made every effort to make ICME-12 successful in contributing to the sustainable development of mathematics education not only across the whole world but also within Korea. Since the Second Announcement issued in the last April, LOC has achieved many things such as: developing the implementing database system for proposal and paper submissions and registration, funding the budget, embodying the Congress scientific programme planned by IPC, developing various cultural events including excursions and exhibitions, and securing accommodations with reasonable prices, etc.

This Third Announcement is the summary of what these committees have done so far, containing helpful information for all who are planning to participate in ICME-12. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all IPC members and LOC members for their commitment and thoughtfulness. Particularly, I am thankful to all Congress Subcommittee members for their efforts in making the preparation of this announcement possible.
I am very much looking forward to seeing you at ICME-12 in Seoul and am sure that your participation will contribute to the success of the ICME-12.
Local Organizing Committee
The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Korea National Univ. of Education Gangnae-myeon, Cheongwon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-Do (363-791), Rep of KOREA
Tel. +82-2-576-9945 / Email. icme12@icme12.org

단체명: 제12차 국제수학교육대회조직위원회 / 공동대표: 류희찬, 신현용 / 고유번호: 317-82-63777 / 개인정보관리책임자: 임유선
소재지: 충청북도 청원군 강내면 다락리 산7 한국교원대 / 대표전화: 02-576-9945 / 이메일: icme12@icme12.org