The set of ICMI studies was launched in the mid-80s and has acquired a growing importance and influence on the field. These study volumes have contributed to a better understanding and resolution of the challenges that face multidisciplinary and culturally diverse research and development in mathematics education. Each Study focuses on a topic or issue of prominent current interest in mathematics education. Built around an international conference, a study is directed towards the preparation of a published volume intended to promote and assist discussion and action at the international, regional or institutional level. The main emphasis of a given Study may be on analytical or action-oriented aspects, but some analytical component will always be present.
The Klein Project is inspired by Felix Klein’s famous book Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint , published one century ago. It is intended as a stimulus for mathematics teachers, so to help them to make connections between the mathematics they teach, or can be asked to teach, and the field of mathematics, while taking into account the evolution of this field over the last century. The project will have three outputs: a book simultaneously published in several languages, a resource DVD to assist teachers wishing to bring some of the ideas to realization in their classes, and a wiki-based web-site seen as a vehicle for the many people who will wish to contribute to the project in an on-going way.
In ICME-12, there will be report sessions for current ICMI Studies and the Klein Project:
ICMI Study 18 Statistics Education in School Mathematics : Challenges for teaching and teacher education
ICMI Study 19 Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education
ICMI Study 20 Educational Interfaces between mathematics and industry
ICMI Study 21 Mathematics Education and Language Diversity
Klein Project