Best 100 of Seoul    

Congress language

The offi cial congress language is English. Nevertheless, simultaneous translation to Korea, Japanese and Chinese will be provided for the plenary activities.


1. Visitors who plan to stay in Korea for longer than 90 days must obtain a visa before entering Korea. 
2. Nationals of those countries or regions with which Korea has signed a visa waiver agreement can

    enter without a visa, on the condition that they do not engage in remunerative activities during their stay.
  ※ Canadians can enter the Republic of Korea without a visa for a stay of up to six months.


For more information click to here.


Letter of invitation

Upon request, a letter of invitation will be sent to speakers and contributors to scientifi c program activities for visa purposes or if required by their institution. Other participants who need a letter of invitation are asked to send offi cial documentation of their professional affi liation with Mathematics Education so that we may honor their request


Health insurance

Congress participants should make sure that their health insurance will cover their travel and stay in Korea. Your insurance agent should be able to provide this information.



In July you may expect bright sunshine and scattered showers in Seoul. For the period of July 8 to 15 in recent years, the weather in Seoul has had a mean temperature of 24°C, with an average high of 28°C and an average
low of 21°C.


Tourist Information

 Further tourist information about Korea and Seoul can be found at:




Seoul Business Travelers Guide

 Useful information while traveling in Seoul

 PDF Download




Local Organizing Committee
The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Korea National Univ. of Education Gangnae-myeon, Cheongwon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-Do (363-791), Rep of KOREA
Tel. +82-2-576-9945 / Email. icme12@icme12.org

단체명: 제12차 국제수학교육대회조직위원회 / 공동대표: 류희찬, 신현용 / 고유번호: 317-82-63777 / 개인정보관리책임자: 임유선
소재지: 충청북도 청원군 강내면 다락리 산7 한국교원대 / 대표전화: 02-576-9945 / 이메일: icme12@icme12.org