Best 100 of Seoul    


  International Programme Committee

  Local Organizing Committee

  LOC Expert Advisory Committee

  National Advisory Committee of ICME-12

  Mathematics Teachers’ Professional Development Committee

 ■ Cultural Event Committee

 ■ Interdisciplinary Studies Committee

 ■ NP Korea Committee


 International Programme Committee


Michèle ARTIGUE, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, michele.artigue@univ-paris-diderot.fr
Évelyne BARBIN, Centre François Viète Faculté des sciences et des techniques, 

Bill BARTON, (Ex officio, President of ICMI), The University of Auckland, b.barton@auckland.ac.nz
Morten BLOMHOEJ, IMFUFA Roskilde University, morten@ruc.dk

Gail BURRILL, Michigan State University, burrill@msu.edu
Jaime CARVALHO E SILVA, (Ex officio, Secretary-General of ICMI), Universidade de Coimbra, 

Sung Je CHO, Chair, Seoul National University, sungjcho@snu.ac.kr
Johann ENGELBRECHT, University of Pretoria, johann.engelbrecht@up.ac.za
Bernard R. HODGSON, Université Laval, bhodgson@mat.ulaval.ca
Gabriele KAISER, University of Hamburg, gabriele.kaiser@uni-hamburg.de
Mercy KAZIMA, University of Malawi, mkazima@cc.ac.mw
Petar KENDEROV, Higher Attestation Commission, kenderovp@cc.bas.bg
Masataka KOYAMA, Hiroshima University, mkoyama@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Oh Nam KWON, Seoul National University, onkwon@snu.ac.kr
Frederick LEUNG, The University of Hong Kong, hraslks@hku.hk
Hee Chan LEW,(Co-chair of the LOC), Korea National University of Education, hclew@knue.ac.kr
Shiqi LI, East China Normal University, sqli@math.ecnu.edu.cn
Cheryl PRAEGER, University of Western Australia, cheryl.praeger@uwa.edu.au
Marcela SANTILLÁ, Directora General de Educación para Profesionales de la Educación,

Hyun Yong SHIN, (Chair of the LOC), Korea National University of Education, shin@knue.ac.kr
K. (Ravi) SUBRAMANIAM, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, subra@hbcse.tifr.res.in
Yuriko YAMAMOTO BALDIN, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, yuriko@dm.ufscar.br

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Local Organizing Committee


Hoon CHANG, Inha University, c_hoon@inha.ac.kr
Kyung Yoon CHANG, Konkuk University, Kchang@konkuk.ac.kr
Sooil CHOI, Kyung Bok High School, choisil@hanmail.net
Jin Soo CHUNG, Korea Foundation For the Advancement of Science and Creativity, chung@kofac.re.kr
Boo Yoon KIM, Pusan National University, kimby@pusan.ac.kr
Sung Sook KIM, Paichai University, sskim@pcu.ac.kr
Dongheun LEE, Hana Academy Seoul, progauss@hanmail.net
JoongKwoen LEE, Dongguk University, joonglee@dongguk.edu
June Bok LEE, Yonsei University, leejb@yonsei.ac.kr
Jung Rae LEE, (Chair of the Financial Sub-committee), DaeJin University, jrlee@daejin.ac.kr
KyeongHwa LEE, Seoul National University, khmath@snu.ac.kr
Sang Gu LEE, Sungkyunkwan University, sglee@skku.edu
Hee Chan LEW, (Co-chair, Chair of the Congress Sub-committee), Korea National University of Education, hclew@knue.ac.kr
Jeong Suk PANG, Korea National University of Education, jeongsuk@knue.ac.kr
Kyung Mee PARK, (Chair of the Public Information Sub-committee), Hongik University, kpark@hongik.ac.kr
Man Goo PARK, Seoul National University of Education, mpark29@snue.ac.kr
Sun Hwa PARK, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, shpark@kice.re.kr
SeogHoon RIM, Kyungpook National University, shrim@knu.ac.kr
Dong Yun SHIN, University of Seoul, dyshin@uos.ac.kr
Hyun Yong SHIN, (Chair), Korea National University of Education, shin@knue.ac.kr
Joon Kook SHIN, (Chair of the Planning Sub-committee), Chungnam National University, jkshin@cnu.ac.kr

LOC Expert Advisory Committee


Eun Suk CHAE, Teacher of Seongja E. S., egolove@hanmail.net
EunMi CHOI, Professor of Hannam University, emc@hnu.kr
Mi-Kyung JU, Professor of Hanyang University, mkju11@hanyang.ac.kr
Hyun Young KANG, Professor of Mokwon University, hykang@mokwon.ac.kr
Dongjoong KIM, Professor of Korea University, dongjoongkim@korea.com
Gooyeon KIM, Professor of Sogang University, gokim@sogang.ac.kr
Heunggyu KIM, Teacher of Kwangshin H. S., heung13@unitel.co.kr
Rae Young KIM, Professor of EwhaWomans University, kimrae@ewha.ac.kr
Eun Sung KO, Professor of Soonchunhyang University, kes7402@sch.ac.kr
Ho Kyoung KO, Professor of Ajou University, shrine999@hanmail.net
Seon Ah KOH, Chief Editor of Math Donga, sunnyk@donga.com
Jin Myoung KOO, Teacher of Sillim E. S., jinjoy9@nate.com
Nayoung KWON, Professor of Inha University, rykwon@inha.ac.kr
Kangsuk LEE, Teacher of Geumdong E. S., clara88@empal.com
Sungjin LEE, Professor of DaeJin University, hyper@daejin.ac.kr
Dal-Won PARK, Professor of Kongju National University, dwpark@kongju.ac.kr
Kyung Eun PARK, Professor of Korea University, postmedu@korea.ac.kr
Hyunah RYU, Professor of Keimyung University, ryumath@kmu.ac.kr
Jae Hong SHIN, Professor of Korea National University of Education, jhbasket@gmail.com
Chisu YEH, Shinhan Accounting Corporation, yehchisu@chol.com


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National Advisory Committee of ICME-12


Jong Hae GEUM, Professor of Korea Institute for Advanced Study, jhkeum@kias.re.kr
Sun Wook HWANG, Professor of Soongsil University, shwang@ssu.ac.kr
Sun Young JANG, Professor of Ulsan University, jsym@ulsan.ac.kr
JooHee JUNG, President of Korean Association for Mathematical Logic, jhjeong@knu.ac.kr
Joo Ho KANG, Professor of Daegu University, jhkang@daegu.ac.kr
Ok Ki KANG, Professor of Sungkyunkwan University, okkang@skku.ac.kr
Do Han KIM, President of KSICMI, Seoul National University, dhkim@snu.ac.kr
Kun Soo KIM, Vice President of Korea Tourism Organization, kunsoo@knto.or.kr
Myung Hwan KIM, Professor of Seoul National University, mhkim@math.snu.ac.kr
Sungyup KIM, Former Ambassador of Libya, sungyup45@naver.com
Wan Soon KIM, Professor of Hoseo University, kimws@office.hoseo.ac.kr
Young Hee KIM, President of Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences, yhkim@chungbuk.ac.kr
Kye Won KOH, Professor of Ajou University, kkpark@ajou.ac.kr
Jae Sool KWON, President of Korea National University of Education, jskwon@knue.ac.kr
Don Hee LEE, (Chair), Former Minister of Education, Science, and Technology, idh928@hanafos.com
HeiSook LEE, Professor of Ewha University, hsllee@ewha.ac.kr
Kang Seob LEE, Professor of Dankook University, leeks@dankook.ac.kr
Hee Chan LEW, President of Korea Society of Mathematical Studies in Mathematics, hclew@knue.ac.kr
Kyung Chan MIN, Professor of Yonsei University, kcmin@yonsei.ac.kr
Chang Kyun PARK, President of the Korean Society for History of Mathematics, ckpark@skuniv.ac.kr
Jung Chan PARK, President of Yonhap News Agency, pjc@yna.co.kr
Kyoo-Hong PARK, President of Korean Society of Mathematical Education, parkkh@seowon.ac.kr
Jung Woong RA, President of Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, rawoong@ee.kaist.ac.kr
Yeong-Moo SONG, Sunchon National University, president@sunchon.ac.kr
Dong Youp SUH, President of Korea Mathematical Society, dysuh@math.kaist.ac.kr
Jung Ho WOO, Professor Emeritus of Seoul National University, wjh@plaza.snu.ac.kr


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Mathematics Teachers’ Professional Development Committee


Young Gi CHANG, Inhun High School, ki9671@hanmail.net
Seong Yee CHOI, Jungdae E. S., anais88@paran.com
Sooil CHOI, Kyungbock H. S., choisil@hanmail.net
Hong shick JANG, (Vice-chair), Hanyoung Foreign Language H. S., shick98@hotmail.com
Kyungho JEONG, Gwangju Educational Research Service, Director of Support Division, jkh0702@empal.com
Jong Sik JUNG, M. S. Attached to College of Education, Chungang University, tgui@naver.com
So Young KANG, Sungseo M. S., mauveksy@lycos.co.kr
Wan KANG, (Chair), Seoul National University of Education, wkang@snue.ac.kr
Boo Yoon KIM, Pusan National University, kimby@pusan.ac.kr
Dongwon KIM, Korea Foundation For the Advancement of Science and Creativity, pourpeda@kofac.re.kr
Myong-Hi Nina KIM, SUNY College at Old Westbury, KimM@oldwestbury.edu
Shinyoung KIM, Seongsoo E. S., yongrong@hanmail.net
Saeran KWON, Daelim University College, srkwon@daelim.ac.kr
Eunyoung LEE, Teacher of Daewon International M. S., eylee1917@gmail.com
Jung LEE, Daegwang E. S., odes99@hanmail.net
Kyeong-Hwa LEE, Seoul National University, khmath@snu.ac.kr
Suckyoon PAIK, Seoul National University of Education, sypaik@snue.ac.kr
Mangoo PARK, Seoul National University of Education, mpark29@snue.ac.kr
Wonkyoo PARK, Sumyeong E. S., kmequate@hanafos.com
Younghoon PARK, Naon Educational Research Institute (NERI), Chief Director, ppyhp00@snu.ac.kr
Byeong Chan SHIN, (Vice-chair), Changduck Girls' H. S., Principal, sks0785@hanmail.net
Insun SHIN, Korea National University of Education, shinis@knue.ac.kr
Hongmin YANG, Hanyoung Foreign Language H. S., drytears@daum.net

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Cultural Event Committee


Hoon CHANG, (Chair), Inha University, c_hoon@inha.ac.kr
MyungSook CHOI, Suri High School, mscall@hanmail.net
Hee Jung HAM, Galwol Middle School, tigermegy@naver.com
Moon Tae IM, Seosan Girls High School, lmtee@hanmail.net
Ki Won KIM, Silla University, kwkim@silla.ac.kr
HyangSook KIM, Inje University, mathkim@inje.ac.kr
Hyun Cheol KIM, (Vice-chair), Gyeongdeok Middle School, kkhcc012@hanmail.net
Kyung Sook KIM, Kyomun Middle School, id9500kks@hanmail.net
Mee Young KIM, Yangseo High School, darami3958@hanmail.net
Mun Su KIM, Ulsan Computer Science High School, dooly20c@use.go.kr
Young Ah KIM, Maseok High School, lochu@hanmail.net
Young Gwan KIM, Tamna Middle School, badang25@paran.com
Young Hwa KIM, Dongnae Middle School, K62827@hanmail.net
Kyung Eon LEE, Jeju National University, earny0622@naver.com
ByungJoo PARK, Yeongdong High School, pbjvictory@hanmail.net
Hyun Yong SHIN, (Chair of the LOC), Korea National University of Education, shin@knue.ac.kr
Dae Won SON, Jinju Foreign Language High School, sixline@paran.com
Bo Euk SUH, (Vice-chair), Catholic University of Daegu, eukeuk@hanmail.net
Min Ji YUN, Sungnam Girls High School, chester11@nate.com

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Interdisciplinary Studies Committee


Sun Bok BAE, Hongik University, sbbaemedia@gmail.com
Seung Urn CHOE, (Chair), Seoul National University, suchoe@snu.ac.kr
Woo Sik HYUN, Hoseo University, godel@hoseo.edu
HyangSook KIM, Inje University, mathkim@inje.ac.kr
Hyouk KIM, Gyeonggi Science High School, m90@korea.com
Tae Yon KIM, Novelistkgiogio@hotmail.com
Young Hee KYE, Kosin University, yhkye@kosin.ac.kr
Tae Wuk LEE, Korea National University of Education, twlee@knue.ac.kr
Chang Kyun PARK, Seokyeong University, ckpark@skuniv.ac.kr
June Hee YOO, Seoul National University, yoo@snu.ac.kr

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NP Korea Committee


Hee-Hyun BYUN(Korea Institution for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Seongmin CHO(Korea Institution for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Yun Dong CHO(Korea Institution for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Seung Hyun CHOE(Korea Institution for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Jiseon CHOI(Korea Institution for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Young Ju JEON(Korea Institution for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Jae Hong KIM(Korea Institution for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Jeom Rae KWON(Korea Institution for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Bong ju LEE(KyungPook National University)
Kwang Sang LEE(Korea Institution for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Jin Young NAM(Kyeongin National University of Education)
Sun Hwa PARK(Korea Institution for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Haemee RIM(Korea Institution for Curriculum and Evaluation)

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Local Organizing Committee
The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Korea National Univ. of Education Gangnae-myeon, Cheongwon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-Do (363-791), Rep of KOREA
Tel. +82-2-576-9945 / Email. icme12@icme12.org

단체명: 제12차 국제수학교육대회조직위원회 / 공동대표: 류희찬, 신현용 / 고유번호: 317-82-63777 / 개인정보관리책임자: 임유선
소재지: 충청북도 청원군 강내면 다락리 산7 한국교원대 / 대표전화: 02-576-9945 / 이메일: icme12@icme12.org