11 Sepideh Stewart made a minutes of the first session of DG 3, teaching of LA. Thanks~~ SGLee 2012-07-14 20
10 Invitation to DG 3 SGLee 2012-07-02 9
9 Seoul Weather now~~ SGLee 2012-07-02 5
8 We will have a clear answer soon from IPC members :The nature of ICME12 DGs Sang-Gu LEE 2012-02-16 23
7 DG Issue: On the Centrality of Linear Algebra in the Curriculum SGLee 2011-11-23 21
6 Test : A Technology Based Linear Algebra Course SGLee 2011-11-23 20
5 test from SGLee and˙Team Members Sang-Gu LEE 2011-11-07 28
4  [Re]test from SGLee and˙Team Members test 2011-11-16 15
3 News to all Sang-Gu Lee 2011-11-07 19
2 We now can discuss all of our issues in SGLee 2011-11-10 26
1 ICME-12: 7 Reasons to visit Seoul and Korea SGLee 2011-11-15 21