A Bimonthly Email Newsletter from the International Mathematical Union
Editor: Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, University Paris Descartes, Paris, France
Two offers and two requests are made below. Please help!
I know that archiving is not the hottest issue mathematicians are interested in. I confess, the same is true for me, but when I became secretary of the International Mathematical Union, I noticed how important it is to maintain institutional memory. This includes documents such as minutes, reports, proceedings, photos, etc. IMU has not been very attentive in this respect, but has now decided to pay more attention to the long term archiving of its historical material.
Here are two offers:
a) I invite you to check the Webpage and want to mention, in particular, that the digital version of the Proceedings of ICM 2010 is now freely available for download.
b) A particular jewel on this Web page is also Olli Lehto's book "Mathematics Without Borders" http://ada00.math.uni-bielefeld.de/ICM/Lehto/Lehto_Mathematics_Without_Borders/Lehto_Mathematics_Without_Borders.pdf about the history of IMU (posted with Springer Verlag's kind permission). Have a look!
The IMU secretariat has recently been decorated by displaying photos of all IMU presidents and secretaries. We were about to show these on our Web page but noticed that, for several of the photos, we do not have the rights to do so and even do not know who owns them. Since we recently had to pay a fine for displaying a picture on our Web site (that we received from a colleague who was unaware that the copy right was owned by someone else) we became very cautious about showing pictures and graphical material without proper rights checking.
And here are IMU's two requests:
a) We would like to enhance IMU's Web page by posting photos from all ICMs, of our Fields medalists and other award winners, and we have many further ideas about offering a mathematical IMU-related picture gallery. Since the IMU archive has almost no photos in its collection, IMU looks for donations of such photos. But of course, we do not want to get into "legal trouble", as indicated above, which leads to the second request.
b) Before starting our "photo donation drive" we need to produce an easily understandable and legally sound document that every donor is supposed to fill in and sign when she/he submits a photo or other document to the IMU picture/ photo archive to be set up, so that the right transfer to IMU is "court proof". What IMU wants is the following. We would like the creator of the photo to donate the photo and the associated rights to IMU such that the photo can be shown on IMU's Web site, that others have a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual permission to use the photos freely in their work (e.g., an article about prize winner, a former ICM, a former IMU president, etc.). Users of such material are supposed, of course, to provide proper credits.
Dear reader, if you can point to already existing documents of this type (e.g., in your institution or offered by a legal firm), please let us know by sending the information to the IMU archivist Birgit Seeliger at archive@mathunion.org.
As soon as we have determined a proper "legal environment" for our "picture gallery project" sketched above we will start the photo donation drive. We hope this will be soon (and please start looking for documents you can donate).
Best regards Martin Groetschel Secretary of IMU
Greetings from the Organizers of ICM 2014
The next International Congress of Mathematicians will take place at COEX in Seoul, Korea, from Wednesday August 13, through Thursday August 21, 2014.
It is time to pre-register by following the simple instructions at the homepage:
You will then receive the ICM e-News. We strongly recommend that you visit the homepage regularly for updated information and ICM related activities.
In the center of Seoul!
Korea, with a five-millennia-long history, is an attractive place to visit. Seoul is a modern city, where the traditional culture and cutting-edge trends coexist side-by-side in perfect harmony. With a low crime rate and a state-of-the-art subway system, it is one of the safest cities in the world. The congress venue, COEX, is at the heart of downtown Seoul, located right next to a subway station.
Family-friendly ICM
Seoul is filled with great family-friendly activities. For the ICM participants accompanying family members, an on-site childcare facility will be available. And we recommend some of Seoul?s best destinations for traveling.
Solidarity in Mathematics, NANUM 2014
The Organizing Committee places special emphasis on supporting mathematicians from developing countries. This has motivated the theme of "Solidarity in Mathematics", and 1,000 mathematicians from developing countries will be invited to Korea during ICM 2014. This travel assistance program is called "NANUM 2014". A selection policy integrating age, gender and geographical balance is being carefully crafted.
NANUM 2014 in detail
The financial support will be granted in three categories:
MENAO 2014 (Mathematics in Emerging Nations: Achievements and Opportunities)
The MENAO event, which features about 100 participants/ discussants and is open to an additional 350 observers, will take place on the day immediately preceding the opening of the congress. The goal of the MENAO event is to review the current status of those efforts and future needs, in view of aspirations of countries and success stories via partnerships between the local mathematical communities, their governments, and international agencies and foundations
Invited plenary, sectional, and special lectures at the ICM
The Program Committee and the ICM Emmy Noether Lecture Committee finished their work and all invitations to plenary lecturers, invited lecturers and the ICM Emmy Noether Lecturer have been sent out by the Organizing Committee.
The program will hence soon be on line.
We look forward to welcoming you at the congress in Seoul, Korea.
Hyungju Park
Chairman, ICM 2014 Organizing Committee
September 30 to October 3 at the Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada
in honour of Elon Lindenstrauss, Fields Medal 2010
The Symposium will be centered on the work of Elon Lindenstrauss and its current and potential impact. Number theory, dynamics and geometry have had increasingly powerful interactions in recent years, with measure rigidity at the core. The goals of the Symposium are to bring this area to a broader audience, and also to present recent developments in homogeneous dynamics, rigidity and quantum ergodicity that are related to the work of Lindenstrauss.
The scientific program is aimed at a wide audience, including graduate students, mathematicians in other research areas, and scientists who use mathematics an important way.
The Symposium will feature a public opening with lectures by Elon Lindenstrauss and Peter Sarnak, as well a special program for high-school and undergraduate students. All events will be broadcast live online.
The Belgian mathematician Pierre Deligne received the Abel Prize from His Majesty King Harald V at an award ceremony at the University Aula in Oslo, today, 21st of May. The Abel Prize that carries a cash award of NOK 6,000,000 (close to 800,000 Euros, US$ 1 million), is awarded annually by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. President of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Kirsti Strøm Bull, gave the opening speech. The chair of the international Abel Committee, Ragni Piene, gave the reasons for the awarding of the prize.
Pierre Deligne (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, USA) received the Abel Prize "for seminal contributions to algebraic geometry and for their transformative impact on number theory, representation theory, and related fields", to quote the Abel committee.
P. Deligne gave his prize lecture at the University of Oslo, followed by Abel Lectures by leading mathematicians Nicholas Katz and Claire Voisin. Ravi Vaki gave the popular science lecture.
For more information www.abelprisen.no/en/
The Niels Henrik Abel Board and the International Mathematical Union are pleased to announce the "Abel Visiting Scholar Program".
The program invites mathematicians professionally based in developing countries to visit an international research collaborator for a period of one month. The period is extendable for up to three month in the case of matching support from the host institution. Up to three mathematicians per year will be supported.
The program is designed for post doctoral mathematicians in the early stages of their professional careers. It is designed to offer the opportunity for a 'research sabbatical', a necessary complement to teaching and other academic duties for mathematicians desiring to also sustain a viable research program.
Basic Requirements:
Applicants must hold a PhD in Mathematics and be in the early stages of their professional careers. This means that the applicant should be under 40 years on July 1st 2013 and not yet of full professorial rank. The maximum age may be increased by up to three years in the case of an individual with a broken career pattern. Applications from women mathematicians are strongly encouraged. The applicant should already have initiated research contact with the proposed international research partner. The collaboration should take place at the international partner's home institution
Financial Support
The grant will cover health insurance, visa cost, all travel (economy flights or equivalent) and living expenses including accommodation for one month for up to a total maximum amount of USD 5,000 per mathematician.
More information can be found here.
The Abel Visiting Scholar Program is administered by the Commission for Developing Countries of the International Mathematical Union. In case of questions, please contact the CDC Administrator:
There are still a few places available: applications are invited for a 5-day workshop that is organized as a satellite activity of the 2013 Mathematical Congress of the Americas at CIMAT in Guanajuato (Mexico) during July 29 -- August 2 2013. The workshop will bring together about 40 young researchers, mainly from Latin America and the Caribbean and a dozen distinguished scientists, each of which will give several lectures on a chosen topic.
The workshop is part of the world initiative "Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013" which is endorsed by IMU (www.mpe2013.org). It is jointly organized and sponsored by IMU together with the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM). It is co-sponsored by the International Council of Science (ICSU), by the International Council of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) and by the Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT). It is supported by ICSU Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, by two interdisciplinary bodies of ICSU, namely IRDR (Integrated Research on Disaster Risk) and WCRP, by the US National Academy of Sciences, by the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias. The members of the Scientific Committee are Susan Friedlander (IMU), Ilya Zaliapin (IUGG) and Paul F. Linden (IUTAM).
More details and application form at:
The International Open Source MPE Exhibition (www.mpe2013.org/exhibition) was officially launched during the MPE Day on March 5 at UNESCO in Paris.
The exhibition comprises several modules presented to the MPE competition, including the winning modules described above. It also comprises about 10 physical modules of a traveling exhibition realized by MIchel Darche at Centre Science of Orleans. The description of these physical modules, also Open Source, will be available on the website as of June 1st. The MPE exhibition is still in development and there is a call for for more contributions. If you want to find out more about how to contribute to the MPE exhibition please go to: http://imaginary.org/content/new-mpe-exhibits As much as possible, the exhibition will also be available in several languages. The ten physical modules already exist in English and French. Several virtual modules already exist in different languages and MPE2013 will post translations of the different existing modules performed by some MPE partners. If you want to provide translations please contact mpe@imaginary.org
The traveling exhibition realized by Michel Darche can be rented. Just contact Michel Darche at mldarche@free.fr
The first five MPE2013-Simons Public Lectures have attracted a lot of public in all cities where they took place. High quality videos of the lectures will be produced and placed on the website of the Simons Foundation. Already some videos of the first lectures by Simon Levin, Emily Shuckburgh, Inez Fung, Ingrid Daubechies, Francesca Dominici and Rupert Kleinare available at http://mpe2013.org/public-lectures/mpe2013-simons-public-lecture-series/ and more will be available very soon. The next MPE2013-Simons Public Lecture are:
MPE2013 hosts several blogs with almost daily entries. Both the English-language Web site http://mpe2013.org/ and the French-language Web site http://mpt2013.fr/ host a Daily Blog which started officially on January 1, 2013, with some earlier entries posted in December 2012. In addition, our Australian partners maintain a regular blog at http://mathsofplanetearth.org.au/category/blog/, which goes back to September 2012. Contributions to the daily blogs are welcome! If you want to blog in English, send a message to blog@mpe2013.org, and if you want to blog in French, send a message to 1jour1breve@mpt2013.fr.
The Korean Mathematical Society and the Organizing Committee of ICM 2014 are making efforts to support MPE activities. First of all, MPE2013 will be highlighted during the Asian Mathematical Conference which will be held in Busan, Korea from June 30th to July 4th: http://www.kms.or.kr/amc2013/. During the congress, there will be a special booth for MPE, and a public lecture on July 1st. The booth will display basic materials and video films on MPE themes for participants and the general public. Also, one of the science magazines called "Dong-A Mathematics" will have a detailed coverage of MPE; its themes, scopes and activities. A high school competition on MPE will be organized next October.
A special issue (in French) of the magazine Accromath will be distributed in 14 francophones countries of Africa with the support of UNESCO, of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) and of the International Commission of Mathematical Instruction (ICMI).
The Comité international des jeux mathématiques (www.cijm.org) will organize the 2013 "Salon culture et jeux mathématiques" on the theme of MPE in Paris from May 30 to June 12. More details at http://www.cijm.org/salon/
Math of Planet Earth Australia will be held in Melbourne, 8-12 July 2013. Abstracts are due by May 31.
More information: http://mathsofplanetearth.org.au/events/2013/
The other Australian events can be found at :
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