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Fields Medals 2006

The Fields medals were given to the recipients by King Juan Carlos of Spain. 
IMU President John Ball, chair of the Fields Medal Committee, announced the winners (available in PDF).

Andrei Okounkov

Andrei Okounkov

"for his contributions bridging probability, representation theory and algebraic
Grigori Perelman

Grigori Perelman

"For his contributions to geometry and his revolutionary insights
into the analytical and geometric structure of the Ricci flow"

Grigori Perelman declined to accept the award
Terence Tao

Terence Tao

"For his contributions to partial differential equations, combinatorics,
harmonic analysis and additive number theory"
Wendelin Werner

Wendelin Werner

"For his contributions to the development of stochastic Loewner evolution, the
geometry of two-dimensional Brownian motion, and conformal field theory"