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ICM Plenary and Invited Speakers

Last Name Sort descending First Name Year City Section/Speaker Type
Arakawa Tomoyuki 2018 Rio de Janeiro Lie Theory and Generalizations
Bogolyubov N. N. 1958 Edinburgh Plenary
Chang Sun-Yung Alice 1986 Berkeley Complex Analysis
Chang Sun-Yung Alice 2002 Beijing Plenary
Chang Sun-Yung Alice 2018 Rio de Janeiro ICM Emmy Noether Lecture
Chekanov Yu. V. 2002 Beijing Topology
Cheng Shiu-Yuen 1983 Warszawa Geometry
Cheng Shiu-Yuen 2006 Madrid Mathematics Education and Popularization of Mathematics
Dai Yu Hong 2022 Virtual Control Theory and Optimization
Ding Weiyue 2002 Beijing Differential Geometry
Emanouilov Oleg Yu. 2006 Madrid Control Theory and Optimization
Grabovsky Yury 1998 Berlin Applications
Grigorev D. Yu. 1986 Berkeley Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science
Kato Syu 2022 Virtual Algebra
Kawahigashi Yasuyuki 2018 Rio de Janeiro Analysis and Operator Algebras, Mathematical Physics
Kawamata Yujiro 1990 Kyoto Algebraic Geometry
Kifer Yuri 1998 Berlin Ordinary Differential Equations & Dynamical Systems
Kim Byunghan 2014 Seoul Logic and Foundations
Kuznetsov Yu. A. 1983 Warszawa Numerical methods
Linnik Yu. V. 1958 Edinburgh Algebra & Theory of Numbers
Lyubich Mikhail 1994 Zurich Ord. Diff. Equations
Lyubich Mikhail 2014 Seoul Plenary
Manin Yu. I. 1966 Moskva Algebraic geometry & complex manifolds
Manin Yu. I. 1986 Berkeley Mathematical Physics
Manin Yuri Ivanovich 1990 Kyoto History, Teaching & Nature of Mathmatics