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ICHM Grants for International Research-Related Activity

Karen Parshall

The ICHM co-sponsored (with the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America) a day of lectures on Friday, 9 January, 2004 at the Joint Meetings held this year in Phoenix, Arizona. The session—co-organized by Joseph W. Dauben, Lehman College (CUNY), Karen V. H. Parshall, University of Virginia, and David E. Zitarelli, Temple University—drew an audience that varied during the day between 50 and 200. It was comprised of the following talks

Session at the joint meeting of the British Society for the History of Mathematics and the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Clare College, Cambridge University, July 10, 2004.

by Craig Fraser 

by Karen Parshall


On Friday, 7 January, 2005, the ICHM co-sponsored the first of the three-segment Special Session on the History of Mathematics that formed part of the program of the annual Joint Meetings of the AMS, MAA, and SIAM in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The speakers (indicated by *) and their titles were:

The ICHM enhanced in a number of ways the intellectual and social activities associated with the International Congress for the History of Science held in Beijing during the week of 24-30 July, 2005.

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