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Networks supported by CWM

CWM is using its sponsorship to help establish and foster networks of women mathematicians especially in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Asia.  See here. From 2015 to 2022, CWM sponsored events took place in Colombia, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Senegal, Tunisia, Kenya, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Iran, Japan, Morocco, Nepal, South Africa, Vietnam, Austria, El Salvador, Ethiopia,  Italy (ICTP), Macedonia, Nigeria, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Cameroon, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Russia, Turkey, Congo, Pakistan, Gabon, Ghana, Oman.


CWM Gallery

CWM random collection of  photos of women mathematicians. Just to make you realise  how many women in mathematics there are, who have overcome the multitude of obstacles placed in their paths.


Women lecturers at ICM 2018 in Rio de Janeiro

Four women are Plenary Speakers at ICM 2018: Nalini Anantharaman, Catherine Goldstein, Sylvia Serfaty and Lai-Sang Young, out of 21 plenary speakers. The proportion of women giving Plenary or Invited Section Lectures at ICM 2018 is 15 %. See a poster on women lecturers at ICM from the origins (presented at the  World Meeting for Women in Mathematics) here.

Faces of Women in Mathematics film ready!

Happy International Women’s Day everyone!  And a huge thanks to all the CWM ambassadors and contributors to the Faces of Women in Mathematics film!  We ended up getting 146 clips featuring 243 women mathematicians from 36 different countries and speaking 31 different languages.  Thanks also to the CWM of the IMU who supported the project.  We hope you will enjoy watching it!

Film (14 mn 02) here. Trailer (about 2 mn 41) here.

The Gender Gap in Mathematical and Natural Sciences from a Historical Perspective

CWM Panel and Reception Thursday 2 August Room 204 A/B/C 18:00-20:30. All welcome

PANEL 18:00-19:30

Moderator : Caroline Series (Warwick Univ, UK, CWM Vice-Chair)

18:00-18:05 : Introduction

18:05-18:15 Marie-Francoise Roy (Univ. Rennes, France, CWM Chair): Presenting the IMU Committee for Women in Mathematics

18:15-18:40 June Barrow-Green (Open University, UK) : Historical context of the gender gap in mathematics

Maryam Mirzakhani passes away

We are very deeply saddened by the news that Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman to win the Fields medal,  passed away today, Saturday July 15th 2017, at the age of 40.

A brilliant mathematician, she has been an inspiration to so many. She will be sorely missed. Our condolences to her family and friends.

Her beautiful mathematics will stand as a memorial long after those of us who have had the privilege of knowing her personally are gone.

Marina Ratner passes away

Another great female mathematician, Marina Ratner, passed away  on July 7th, 2017. Marina played in a key role in linking up the Russian and western schools of dynamical systems and later became famous for her beautiful theorems on unipotent flows on homogeneous spaces, and their application to questions in number theory, see for example on the blog by Terence Tao here.

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