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Seven students have been awarded the IMU Breakout Graduate Fellowship (BGF) grant to complete their PhD. BGF grants are funded by the generous donations from all the Breakthrough Prize winners. The program is the subject of an interesting article by Della Dumbaugh appeared in the September 2019 Issue of the AMS Notices. The award of full PhD grants goes to seven students from developing countries engaged in a PhD degree in the mathematical sciences in a developing country. 

Updated Flyers

The IMU-CDC is particularly interested in ensuring that information about IMU financial support opportunities for mathematicians based in developing countries reaches as many mathematicians as possible, all around the world.

Conference Support Program

Conference participants attending a lecture.

This program gives partial support to Mathematical Science conferences organized in developing countries. The program supports both live and online conferences by allowing grants for travel and accommodation arrangements for participants from developing countries, or to cover expenses for material or services needed for virtual activities.

The current call runs until July 15, 2021. Apply today!

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