To promote international cooperation in mathematics.
To support and assist the International Congress of Mathematicians and other international scientific meetings or conferences.
To encourage and support other international mathematical activities considered likely to contribute to the development of mathematical science in any of its aspects, pure, applied, or educational.
At its meeting in Helsinki, Finland, in July 2022, the 19th IMU General Assembly voted to accept the bid from the United States of America to host ICM 2026 and the 20th IMU General Assembly, with Philadelphia as venue for the ICM and New York City for the General Assembly. The official website of the Congress is
Registration for ICM2026 is open—visit the official website for registration details.
As announced in IMU News 115, the ICM 2026 Program Committee Chair is Claire Voisin, CNRS, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche. Nominations of invited plenary and sectional speakers for ICM 2026 can be made until 1 November 2024 (see AO/CL 2/2024).
The International Congress of Mathematicians 2022 (ICM 2022) took place between 6–14 July 2022 as a virtual event. Videos of the virtual ICM 2022 lectures are available to watch on the IMU's YouTube channel.
The IMU's Commission for Developing Countries is proud to announce its new grant program the IMU-Simons Research Fellowship Program for Developing Countries, which is fully funded by the Simons Foundation as part of its Targeted Grants to Institutes scheme.
As decided at the 19th IMU General Assembly, an IMU Reserve Fund has been established (AO CL 24/2022) to assist Members whose dues are in arrears due to temporary extreme, adverse circumstances. The IMU accepts contributions to the fund from countries, organizations, and individuals. Further details are outlined in the regulations governing the fund.
IMU members are requested to check their contact information, see AO CL 1/2025.
IMU members are requested to settle current invoices and any dues in arrears in due time.