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CWM News

Here you will find news about CWM related or sponsored events, activities, announcements and awards. Further information on CWM, events for women in mathematics, etc. can be found on the various dedicated pages of the CWM website. Suggestions for CWM News and other themes can be sent to

Georgia Benkart passes away

University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
United States

Georgia Benkart  (December 30, 1947 – April 29, 2022) was known for her work in the structure and representation theory of Lie algebras and related algebraic structures.  A tribute to her contributions to her field, "Gems from the Work of Georgia Benkart", appeared in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. 

She was elected and served as president of the Association for Women in Mathematics from 2009 to 2011. In 2014 at the International Congress of Mathematicians held in Seoul, she delivered the ICM Emmy Noether Lecture.

Georgia Benkart collaborated with CWM in several occasions. In particular, she was the chair of the (WM)² 2018 program committee, and one of the editors of its Proceedings. We will miss her.

Collected Georgia Benkart Remembrances

Fifty Years of Women in Mathematics

Association for Women in Mathematics
United States

Fifty Years of Women in Mathematics
Reminiscences, History, and Visions for the Future of AWM
Editors : Janet L. BeerySarah J. GreenwaldCathy Kessel

Celebrates fifty years of the oldest association for women in mathematics in the world
Features contributions from a large and varied array of people in mathematics
Provides a historical chronology and reminiscences of AWM from its inception through present day

Part of the Association for Women in Mathematics Series book series (AWMS, volume 28), Springer, Cham

The article International Initiatives for Women Mathematicians by Marie-Françoise Roy and Caroline Series contained in the volume is describing the creation and initiatives of CWM.


OAL Prize established

The year 2022 marks the 100th birthday of Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya. To celebrate this event and honor her, the Ladyzhenskaya Prize in Mathematical Physics (OAL Prize) was established. It will be awarded, in its inaugural edition, during the OAL celebration, a joint session organized by (WM)² 2022, the World Meeting for Women in Mathematics  and the Probability and Mathematical Physics ICM satellite event, on July  2 2022 from 10 am to 12:30 am CEST=UTC+2 in Helsinki.

May 12, a Celebration for Women in Mathematics, year 2022

May 12 was chosen for the Celebration of Women in Mathematics because it is the birthdate of Maryam Mirzakhani. The initiative was  proposed by the Women's Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Society and voted by a vast majority of attendees to (WM)², the World Meeting for Women on Mathematics on last July 31 in Rio.

Several suggestions for local activities around May 12 are listed here.   May12 Initiative recommands free screening of the award-winning film "Women in science in Africa, A SILENT REVOLUTION" available (in english or in french) online here : Please feel free to organize one and decalre it on May 12 website.

The initiative is  supported by several organisations for women in mathematics worldwide (European Women in Mathematics, Association for Women in Mathematics, African Women in Mathematics Association, Indian Women and Mathematics,  CGD-UMALCA (Comisión de Género y Diversidad de Unión Matemática de América Latina y el Caribe) and the Women's Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Society).

More information here.

Condolences– Yulia Zdanovska


The International Mathematical Union Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM)  deeply regrets the death of 21-year-old Yulia Zdanovska, who was a silver medalist at the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiads (EGMO) in 2017. Yulia was a brilliant young mathematician with a successful future ahead of her. The young woman refused to leave Ukraine amid the war and, working as a volunteer, died in a fire caused by a Russian missile that hit her residential area in the eastern city of Kharkiv. CWM expresses its sympathy  with the family and the math community as a whole, united in mourning and honoring Yulia.

(WM)² will take place virtually on July 1-2 2022

With the recent tragic developments, and IMU's decisions about the ICM 2022 (see here  and here), the second edition of the World Meeting for Women in Mathematics - (WM)^2 - becomes a fully virtual event taking place on July 1-2 2022. The (WM)² was originally planned to take place on July 5, 2022, the day prior to the ICM 2022.  The date changed to accommodate the Ceremony for the IMU Prizes (Fields Medal, Abacus Medal, Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize, Chern Medal Award and Leelavati Prize), taking place on July 5, 2022.

Launching SCGES webinar

The Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES) is launching its Webinar Series. The aim is to create exchanges and interactions related to issues around Gender Equality in Science among various scientific communities.

The first session will take place on February 16th, 2022, at 4 pm to 6 pm CET. It is organized by IMU and ICIAM, on the topic of Gender Equality in Mathematics.

See more and register here.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February 2022: Activities around the world reported by the CWM Ambassadors

Since its establishment by the UN General Assembly on 22 December 2015, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, taking place on February 11, aims at raising awareness on the issue celebrating women’s excellence in science and reminding the international community that science and gender equality have to advance hand-in-hand to address major global challenges and achieve all the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda.

Here are initiatives reported by CWM ambassadors in 2022.

Gathering about the SBM/SBMAC Gender and Diversity Committee
In this event, the goal is to present the history and current actions of the Gender and Diversity Committee from the Brazilian Mathematical Society and the Brazilian Applied and Computational Mathematical Society. Also, there will be a brief presentation of the members of this committee and the announcement of the second edition of the Brazilian Meeting of Women in Mathematics.

Launch of the Club de Mujeres que Aprenden Matemáticas
The Women Learning Mathematics Club will be officially launched as part of the celebration of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science. The Club is planned and developed at the Departmental Educational Institution Santa María de Ubaté, with the aim of providing spaces to continue promoting meaningful learning experiences that complement, broaden and deepen the processes and concepts addressed in the regular day and continue to motivate the participation of young girls in mathematics. More here.

Live Podcast International Day of Women and Girls in Science/em>
In this celebration we want to invite you to listen to outstanding women scientists from our institution and guests through a live podcast that allows us to make women scientists visible and motivate more girls and women to be interested in these areas.

Posting of Flyers
From February 11, the Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Matemática (SEdeM) will be posting flyers regarding outstanding female mathematicians, statistics on the situation of Ecuadorian women in mathematics and more. More information here.

Theater interactive performance in Lyon on the Day of Women in Science
See more (in french) here.

Rally de Matemáticas
On February 11, a virtual Rally will be held to commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. In addition to math talks aimed at girls and young women, we will make a math rally with some math puzzles, questions about some female mathematicians and other curious facts to promote an approach to the discipline and to women who have participated in it. Registration form here.

Celebration of IDWGS 2078 (Nepal Calendar)
This is a virtual event organized by Women of Nepal in Mathematical Sciences (WoNiMS). There will be a floor discussion on Women and STEM in Nepal followed by a talk on "Mathematical and Philosophical Aspects of Zero and One" by Prof. Shankar Raj Pant. More information here.

Launch of the FUNDAPROMAT Math Almanac 2022
In the FUNDAPROMAT Math Almanac in Spanish, you can find one math challenge every day of the first 3 months of the year 2022. In every month a woman is highlighted who has left a mark in the history of mathematics (link). The official launch of the entire FUNDAPROMAT Math Almanac 2022 will take place on February 11th, 2022 to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Celebration of one year Monthly seminar "On Mathematics and Life''
We celebrate one year since we started our monthly seminar "On Mathematics and Life'' by lauching a website of our group of Romanian Women in Mathematics (link).

« Portraits and Perspectives »
The Tunisian Women Mathematicians Association, the Cultural Alternative Association, and the Tunisian Sustainable Technologies Association celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, on February 11th, 2022. The thema of this year is : « Portraits and Perspectives ». The celebration will take place at the Faculty of sciences of Monastir, Tunisia. It starts at 8h30 am local time and ends at 2h30 pm local time. The aim is to provide the participants with the opportunity of debating about the issue of employment of young science female researchers. The debate will be held in the honorable presence of: -Professor Faten Ben Abdallah, the Ex-Vice-Rector of the University of Monastir. - Professor Sana Salah, the current Vice-Rector of the University of Monastir. - Madame Abir Brahem, the head of the Center of Carrier and Skills Certification, University of Monastir. More information here.

United Arab Emirates
Femmes et mathematiques
Two seminars at the lycée français International Georges Pompidou Dubai for the event "Femmes et mathématiques " (women and mathematics) held by Lama Tarsissi on the 8th of February.