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CWM News

Here you will find news about CWM related or sponsored events, activities, announcements and awards. Further information on CWM, events for women in mathematics, etc. can be found on the various dedicated pages of the CWM website. Suggestions for CWM News and other themes can be sent to

Result of CWM call 2023

The CWM called for proposals for initiatives to be held during 2023 to support women in mathematics. The CWM 2023 call received 48 applications, of which CWM decided to support 11. Some of the selected projects aim at supporting continental networks for women in mathematics, such as the 1st meeting of the Asian and Oceanian Women in Mathematics (AOWM) in India, the 3rd Meeting for Latin American Women in Mathematics in Colombia, the 3rd Southeast Asian Women Mathematicians Meeting in Indonesia, and a network conference organised by the Commission of African Women in Mathematics of the African Mathematical Union (AMU-CAWM) in Morocco. CWM is also supporting networking activities for women in mathematics in Cuba, India, Nepal and Nigeria, the global May 12 initiative, and two research workshops geared towards establishing research networks for women, in Uganda and Uruguay. Depending on the nature of the project, CWM funding goes to infrastructure, webpage’s creation and update, travel expenses and accommodation support for participants from developing countries.

More details on each of these projects can be found here.

Marie-Françoise Roy, doctor honoris causa of the University of Bath

University of Bath
United Kingdom

Marie-Françoise Roy received the degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa on December 7 2022 from the University of Bath "in recognition of her distinguished career as a geometer and her leading role as an advocate for women in mathematics".

Oration  by Gregory Sankaran here.

Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES) second annual report


Download report here.

The 2021-22 SCGES report, compiled after the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES) ’s first year of existence, is evidence of its current and future work on this endeavor. Starting with a short synthesis by SCGES chair Catherine Jami, it contains short reports by each of the 1 members of SCGES, all of which have a stated commitment to promote gender equality and women in science. Exchanging information on all related issues and making them visible is a major motivation for the partners who work together in SCGES.

Women Mathematicians in South Asian and Middle Eastern Region

University of Technology and Applied Sciences

The hybrid event "To constitute a network of Women Mathematicians in South Asian and Middle Eastern Region" will be held on 4 th -5 th October 2022 at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Suhar for two days. The first day (4 th October, 2022) of the hybrid event is in person at UTAS-Sohar, Oman and the second day (5 th October, 2022) of the event will be continued on virtual mode.

The event is sponsored by CWM-International Mathematical Union and UTAS-Suhar.

Renowned mathematicians from ten countries with a high scientific caliber are participating in this prestigious event.

The main objectives of this event are:

  • To build a network at the regional, national and an international level.
  • To motivate and encourage participants for research and development activities
  • To spread awareness about the funding and career opportunities available.
  • To showcase the achievements of women mathematicians globally that can motivate them to pursue their careers in Mathematics.

Women in Mathematics, a conference in Japan


The online conference "Women in Mathematics", a RIMS conference of Kyoto University, took place from September 7th to 9th in 2022.

There were more than 200 participants, from several countries, one third of them being male.

The program featured mathematical talks, 1-minute speech by the Japanese female participants and discussion about women in mathematics including reports from CWM, EWM, WAM, MSRI and AWM. It was a good opportunity for participants to get to know each other and to learn about many good practices abroad.

See more information here.

Establishement of AOWM

Asia-Oceania Women in Mathematics (AOWM), the continental organization for women in mathematics in Asia and Oceania was established on August 1 2022 by an on line meeting.

There are more than 200 founding members from 18 Asian and 0ceanian countries (Australia, China, India,
 Indonesia,  Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines,  South Korea,  Sri Lanka,  Thailand, UAE,  Uzbekistan) . The CWM ambassadors and their continental meeting played a key role in the creation of AOWM. The preparation process was taken care of by a group led by Motoko Kotani and Kyewon Koh Park.

The AOWM Executive Committee  is the  following.

President : Sanoli Gun (India)
    Vice President : Melissa Tacy (New Zealand)
    Vice President :  Polly Sy (Philippines)
    Secretary: Hyang-Sook Lee (Korea)
    Ordinary EC members
    Budi Nurani Ruchjana (Indonesia)
    Yukari Ito (Japan)
    Dongmei Xiao (China)
    Bakhyt Alipova (Kazakhstan)
    Zohreh Mostaghim (Iran)

Contact AOWM: here.

Maryna Viazovska wins Fields medal


We are absolutely delighted to congratulate Maryna Viazovska on her achievement in being  awarded the Fields medal  "for the proof that the E8 lattice provides the densest packing of identical spheres in 8 dimensions, and further contributions to related extremal problems and interpolation problems in Fourier analysis".  See here.