Mathematical Miscellany
In this page you will find miscellaneous information about mathematics relating to ICMs or India contributed by different people. The title (Mathematical Miscellany), as many would know, is borrowed from that of a well known book by the famous Cambridge mathematician J E Littlewood.
The International Congress of Mathematicians is being held at Hyderabad during the year 2010 with generous grants from the Government of India which has been very supportive of Science education and research. The man who initiated this policy of support to Science was India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru. This link contains an excerpt, on ancient Indian mathematics, from his delightful book “Discovery of India”. It brings out Nehru’s fascination for Science, Mathematics in particular, and his deep understanding of its role in society. The book was written during 1942-43 in jail when he was imprisoned by the British colonial administration”.
- Jawaharlal Nehru on Ancient Indian Mathematics
- A review of the book, Mathematics in India by Kim Plofker
- Calculus under the Coconut Palms: the last hurrah of medieval Indian mathematics by P.P. Divakaran
- Guillermo Curbera has recently published the book Mathematicians of the World, Unite!, which gives an interesting historical account of all International Congresses. Here is a short article by him on the ICM.
- India and the world of mathematics by M.S. Raghunathan
- Indian Statistical Institue — an incredible story
- Statistical Dynasties & Golden Ages by Terry Speed
- Mathematics research in India today: ”What does the literature reveal?” by Subbiah Arunachalam
- Hyderabad to host International Congress of Mathematicians, CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 96, No. 11, 10 JUNE 2009, by Rosalind Ezhil K
- The digital version of the ICM Proceedings: The IMU web page now contains the digital versions of the Proceedings of the ICMs for the period 1893-2006 . Professor Martin Grötschel inaugurated this page during the ICM 2010 opening ceremony.
- The most influential speech ever presented in the History of Mathematics, CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 97, No. 10, 25 November 2009, by Rosalind Ezhil K
- The man who refused the Fields Medal may also refuse a million dollars, CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 98, No. 10, 25 May 2009, by Rosalind Ezhil K