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Library Assistance Scheme

Mathematics Library Assistance Scheme for Developing Countries

Shipment Support for Donated Books to Libraries in Developing Countries


The IMU- CDC Library Assistance Scheme matches donors of mathematical materials with libraries in universities/research institutions in developing countries where there is a need for mathematical research literature.

CDC offers limited financial support for shipment costs for individual scientists or institutions wishing to donate books in the mathematical sciences to libraries in developing countries.

Materials currently available

When contacting the CDC, indicate the number of the donations you are interested in.

No materials available at the moment.

Grant Details

  • The grant only covers shipment costs of books directly from donors to beneficiaries.
  • Shipping costs will be reimbursed based on receipts submitted.

Application Requirements (For Donors)

If you are interested in donating your scientific books (mathematics or related subjects) to a library in a developing country, please submit an application.

Each completed application submitted via the online application form must include:

  1.  List of the books to be donated*
  2. Contact information of the recipient library (if already established)
  3. Estimated shipping costs

*Suitable types of materials include multi-year runs of primary research journals, as well as quality research books, and monographs in mathematics. Notices of any kind of mathematical societies are not appropriate donations for this program. Widely available publications are accepted on a case-by-case basis.

In case you have not yet established a recipient in a developing country, CDC will publish the list of available materials on this page until an interested library in a developing country expresses interest. Donors will be notified about the approval of the books/materials to be donated.

For Libraries

If you are interested in receiving donated scientific books (mathematics or related subjects), please see the list of available books and contact us via email.

In case of a successful match, the donor will then be notified with instructions to ship the materials directly to the recipient.

If plans are made to ship the materials, the receiving institution should anticipate any customs problems and instruct the CDC on specific shipping requirements. The CDC cannot pay customs duties. Those should be paid by the recipient.