Prof. Diletta Martinelli (Universiteit van Amsterdam) donated books to AIMS-Cameroon, Limbe, Cameroon.
Prof. Michel Emery from Strasbourg, France donated books to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Rwanda.
Prof. Claude Mitschi from Strasbourg donated and shipped in March 2016 books to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Senegal.
Prof. Claude Mitschi from Strasbourg donated in July 2015 books to the Département de Mathématiques, N'djamena (Tchad).
Prof. Claude Mitschi from Strasbourg donated in July 2015 books to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Senegal.
Angel Pineda donated in May 2015 books from the California State University Fullerton to the Mathematics Department Mandalay University.
Books for The National University of Laos,Department of Mathematics, donated by Robert Pour. Delivered to the Laotian Embassy in Washington DC.